Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort (fluticasone propionate) is used to prevent and treat allergic rhinitis. Do you know how to use and note this nasal spray? The following article of SignsSymptomsList will provide you with the necessary information about Flusort nasal spray.

Active ingredients of Flusort : Fluticasone propionate 50mcg/dose

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1. What is Flusort (fluticasone propionate)?

Flusort nasal spray is an aqueous suspension of fluticasone propionate. The drug is administered as a nasal spray through a metered-dose nebulizer. Each dose via the nasal spray device contains 50 mcg of fluticasone propionate.

2. Indications Flusort (fluticasone propionate)

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray is effective in the prevention and treatment of:

  • Allergic Rhinitis Year-round
  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis, including pollen-induced allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

Although fluticasone propionate has potent anti-inflammatory activity, it is not indicated for systemic anti-inflammatory effects when used topically on the nasal mucosa.

3. Instructions for taking Flusort 

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray is for intranasal use only. Avoid direct spray or contact with eyes.

3.1. Dosage

Adults and children over 12 years old

  • Initial dose: 2 sprays in each nostril, once daily, preferably in the morning.
  • Maximum dose: 2 sprays in each nostril, 2 times daily.
  • Maintenance dose: 1 spray in each nostril, 1 time per day.

If symptoms recur, the dose may be increased accordingly as directed by the physician. The minimum dose that effectively controls symptoms should be maintained. The maximum daily dose of 4 sprays in each nostril should not be exceeded.

Elderly people can take the usual adult dose.

Children from 4 to 11 years old

  • Initial dose: 1 spray in each nostril once daily, preferably in the morning.
  • Maximum dose: 1 spray in each nostril, 2 times per day

The minimum dose that effectively controls symptoms should be maintained. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 2 sprays in each nostril.

3.2. How to use

You need to take the medicine regularly for optimal results. The drug provides maximum symptom relief after 3 to 4 days of treatment. Therefore, you should not be too worried if the drug has not had immediate effect.

Take the medicine as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Besides, you can refer to the following instructions for using and cleaning Flusort nasal spray:

3.2.1. Instructions for using the drug Flusort

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Step 1: Remove the plastic cover (Figure 1)

Step 2: Before using Flusort nasal spray for the first time, test it by:

    • Use index and middle fingers to press down on both sides of the white spray head and release to spray, thumb holding the bottom of the bottle (Figure 2). Test spray 10 times or until good spray. The spray is then ready to use.
    • Note: do not cut the spray head. The spray can be stored unused for up to 1 week without testing. In the following times, before using again, need to test 2 times or until the spray is good.

Step 3: Blow your nose gently to clear the nostrils. Cover one side of the nose. Tilt the head slightly forward, holding the bottle upright, placing the spray tip carefully into the other nostril (Figure 3). Do not spray directly into the nasal septum.

Step 4: Then breathe through your mouth

Step 5: Repeat with the other nostril

Step 6: Wipe your nose with a clean tissue and reinstall the plastic cap (Figure 4)

3.2.2. Instructions for cleaning tools

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Step 1: To clean the spray head, remove the plastic cap (Figure 1)

Step 2: Gently pull to remove the white spray head (Figure 2)

Step 3: Soak the spray head in cold water, rinse both ends of the nozzle under running water and dry (Figure 3). Do not open the spray head with a sharp object as this will damage the spray head and cause incorrect dosing.

Step 4: Rinse the plastic cover under water and let it dry (Figure 4).

Step 5: Reinsert the nozzle, making sure the pump nozzle is reattached to the center hole of the nozzle (Figure 5)

Step 6: Test the spray by pressing down on the sides of the white spray head with your index and middle fingers, holding the bottom of the bottle with your thumb (Figure 6). Press down and release 2 times or until spray comes out well. The spray is now ready for the next use (no more than 1 week). In subsequent visits, it is necessary to test 2 times or until the spray is good.

Step 7: Reinsert the plastic cover (Figure 7)

4. Contraindications of Flusort 

Flusort nasal spray is contraindicated if you are hypersensitive to the active substance or to any of the excipients of the drug.

5. Drug interactions when using Flusort 

Under normal conditions, fluticasone propionate plasma concentrations are very low after inhalation. Drug interactions are therefore unlikely.

Systemic side effects of corticosteroids including Cushing's syndrome and adrenal insufficiency may occur, particularly when co-administered with ritonavir or to a lesser extent with other CYP3A inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, erythromycin). Concomitant use of fluticasone should therefore be avoided unless the potential benefits outweigh the risks.

6. Special subjects when using Flusort 

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is insufficient evidence regarding the safety and excretion into breast milk of fluticasone propionate nasal spray for pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, like other drugs, the use of Flusort during pregnancy and lactation should be weighed against the benefits and risks.
  • Drivers and Machine Operators: Fluticasone propionate nasal spray is unlikely to affect the ability to drive and use machines.

7. Undesirable effects of Flusort (fluticasone propionate)

Undesirable effects of Flusort by frequency are as follows:

– Very common: nosebleeds

- Popular:

  • Dry nose and nasal irritation, dry throat and throat irritation
  • Headache, unpleasant smell and taste

- Very rare:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions: skin hypersensitivity, angioedema (edema of the face, oropharynx), bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions.
  • Glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, cataracts
  • Perforation of the nasal septum.

8. Treatment of an overdose of Flusort 

There are no data on overdose with fluticasone propionate nasal spray. However, long-term use of higher than recommended doses may lead to temporary suppression of adrenal function. In this case, treatment with fluticasone propionate should be continued at therapeutic doses sufficient to control.

9. Precautions when using Flusort (fluticasone propionate)

Everything you need to know about Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

Flusort nasal spray (fluticasone propionate)

  • Local Infections : Respiratory tract infections should be treated appropriately. However, this is not a specific contraindication to treatment with fluticasone nasal spray.
  • Adrenal insufficiency: Caution should be exercised when switching systemic steroid therapy to fluticasone nasal spray, particularly if there are any signs of adrenal insufficiency.
  • Systemic effects: Systemic effects of intranasal corticosteroids, although rare, can occur, especially at high doses for long periods of time. Risks for systemic effects may include Cushing's syndrome, adrenal suppression, growth retardation in children and adolescents, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.
  • Growth retardation : Growth retardation may occur in children receiving long-term intranasal corticosteroids, even at acceptable doses. Therefore, height should be checked frequently and the lowest effective dose should be maintained if long-term use of nasal corticosteroids is required in children.

The maximum effect of Flusort nasal spray can be achieved after long-term treatment. Flusort nasal spray contains benzalkonium chloride which can cause bronchospasm.

Although Flusort nasal spray can control most cases of seasonal allergic rhinitis, unusually high exposure to summer allergens may require appropriate additional treatment.

10. How to store Flusort

Store the drug at room temperature not exceeding 30oC. Keep the medicine in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Flusort nasal spray is a supportive therapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Above is the reference information from SignsSymptomsList about Flusort nasal spray, you should still use the medicine as prescribed by your doctor. If you have any problems, contact a respiratory specialist for the best support.

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