Things to know about Biafine burn medicine

What is Biafine? What is the effect of Biafine in the treatment of burns? Used how? What precautions should be taken to ensure safety? Let's take a closer look at SignsSymptomsList about Biafine burn medicine in the article analyzed below!

Active ingredient: Trolamine.


What is Biafine?

Things to know about Biafine burn medicine

Ingredients in the recipe of Biafine Burn Cream

Active ingredients

  • Trolamin…………………….0.670g.


  • Ethylene glycol stearate
  • stearic acid, cetyl palmitate
  • Solid paraffin, liquid paraffin
  • Perhydrosqualene, propylene glycol
  • Avocado Oil
  • Trolamin alginate and sodium alginate, potassium sorbate
  • Sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 219)
  • Sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E217)
  • Fragrance of yerbatone
  • Pure water.

How much does Biafine cost?

Biafine burn cream costs about 85,000 VND / 46.5g tube depending on the time

What does Biafine do?

  • Biafine Burn Cream is used in the treatment of first- and second-degree burns and all non-infectious skin wounds.
  • In addition, Biafine cream is also used in the treatment of skin redness secondary to radiation therapy.

When should you not use Biafine?

  • You are allergic to trolamin or to any of the other ingredients in the formulation.
  • Do not use cream on bleeding wounds.
  • If the wound is infected, do not use Biafine to apply to the wound.

Instructions on how to take Biafine

Before using

  • Wash your hands thoroughly
  • Next, clean the wound gently, dry it.
  • Check the tube for the expiry date as well as the condition of the cream


First degree burns

  • First, apply a thick layer of emulsion until the emulsion can no longer be absorbed.
  • Next, gently rub the emulsion to absorb into the skin.
  • Next, repeat 2-4 times/day.
  • Note that in case of extensive burns, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using the medicine.

2nd degree burns and other skin injuries

  • After cleaning the wound, apply a thick emulsion to cover the wound surface
  • Next, repeat application to maintain an extra layer of emulsion on the wound. 
  • Where, if necessary, cover with a damp gauze and bandage.
  • Note, do not use dry bandages because it can rub the wound and make it worse

Treatment of skin redness secondary to radiation therapy

  • Usually, apply 2-3 times per day
  • Note, apply evenly and gently rub the emulsion to absorb into the skin.

Biafine side effects

  • Pain (pins and needles) is moderate and transient, may last 15-30 minutes
  • Although rare, it is still possible to develop a contact allergy.
  • Contact eczema should be discontinued immediately.

Drug interactions when taking Biafine

  • There are still no complete reports of drug interactions when used at the same time with Biafine
  • However, in order to avoid possible interactions between more than one drug, it is important to inform your doctor or pharmacist about drug or non-drug preparations so that appropriate advice can be given.

Precautions while using Biafine

  • In the case of burns the patient suffers from scalds or burns with extensive spread or the appearance of deep or extensive wounds. It is important to inform your doctor before applying any medication to the lesion.
  • Biafine is a burn medication  , not intended to shield or protect the skin or to condition the skin. Therefore, in addition to treating burns, do not use drugs for other purposes. 
  • If you are still not sure about the dosage and how to take it, contact your pharmacist or doctor for clear advice before taking.

Special subjects using drugs

Driving and operating machinery

  • Biafine burn cream does not cause serious effects on the central nervous system such as headache, dizziness, drowsiness, ..
  • Therefore, Biafine cream can be used for subjects that require high concentration when working, such as driving or operating machinery.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding

  • There are not enough data to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of using Biafine burn cream in  pregnant  and lactating women.
  • Therefore, Biafine should not be used by women who are pregnant and breastfeeding unless approved by a doctor.

Treatment of Biafine overdose

  • There have been no reports of overdoses with Biafine burn cream
  • However, if the patient overdoses, whether unintentionally or on purpose, when any symptoms appear. Please take the patient to the nearest hospital for timely emergency treatment.

How to store medicine?

  • Keep Biafine Burn Cream out of the reach of  children  and pets.
  • Store the medicine in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing Biafine to direct light or keeping it in humid places.
  • The best Biafine ice cream storage temperature is <30>

Above is information on the use of Biafine burn medicine in the treatment of 1st or 2nd degree burns or the treatment of red skin conditions. If the skin or body appears abnormal after using Biafine cream, call your doctor immediately!

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Things to know about Biafine burn medicine

Things to know about Biafine burn medicine

Biafine is used in the treatment of burns of the 1st and 2nd degree, non-infectious skin wounds. Biafine burn cream also treats redness secondary to radiation therapy.

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