Things to know about Nevanac eye drops

What is Nevanac? How is Nevanac indicated in medical cases? How to use it and what to keep in mind throughout the course of taking the drug? Let's find out and analyze what Nevanac is with SignsSymptomsList through the article below!

Active ingredient of the drug Nevanac : 1 mg of nepafenac in each 1 ml of suspension. There are also sufficient excipients.

Medicines containing similar ingredients : Nepaflam,…


1. What is Nevanac?

Nevanac is an eye drop that is prepared in the form of a suspension, which is pale yellow to light orange yellow.

Nevanac is used in the prevention and treatment of inflammation and pain after cataract surgery . It also helps reduce the risk of macular edema after cataract surgery in diabetics.

2. Dosage of Nevanac 

Things to know about Nevanac eye drops

  • Adults (including the elderly)

- Prophylaxis and treatment of inflammation and pain: 1 drop of Nevanac 3 times / day, start 1 day before cataract surgery, then use continuously for 21 days if directed by the doctor. Right before surgery 30 - 120 minutes can add 1 drop.

Reduced risk of macular edema after cataract surgery in diabetics: Same as above but lasts up to 60 days

  • Patients

Not recommended for this audience

  • Patients with liver and kidney failure

No dose adjustment is required for this population.

3. Contraindications of the drug Nevanac 

4. Note when using Nevanac

The drug is not administered by injection or orally. Patients should avoid sunlight while using Nevanac. The use of the drug can lead to keratitis, especially in susceptible patients, causing adverse events, which can reduce vision. You need to contact your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of visual impairment.

Medicines can lead to delayed wound healing. Especially when combined with corticosteroids. Use with caution in patients with a history of bleeding, easy bleeding or patients taking anticoagulants.

5. How to take Nevanac 

Things to know about Nevanac eye drops

  • Use by eye line.
  • Shake the vial well before use. If more than one eye drops are used, space them out at least 5 minutes apart.
  • Do not let the tip of the vial touch your eyelids or the area around your eyes or any other part of your body.
  • Close the vial tightly after use.

5. Drug interactions when taking Nevanac

The drug has very few interactions with other drugs. However, you need to tell your doctor if you are taking corticosteroids.

6. Special subjects when taking drugs

  • Pregnant women

The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women. Inform your doctor about your pregnancy so he can consider your options.

  • Breastfeeding Women

The drug can be used by women who are breastfeeding.

  • Drivers and machine operators 

As with other eye drops, Nevanac may temporarily cause blurred vision or other visual disturbances, which may affect the ability to drive or use machines.

If immediately after using the eye drops, you need to rest and wait for your eyes to clear, then drive or operate machinery.

7. Nevanac side effects 

You may experience less common side effects such as:

  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Keratitis
  • Inflammation of the eye nail
  • Dry eyes, eye catching
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Eye pain, fear of light
  • Increased tear secretion, conjunctival congestion
  • Transmembrane effusion, with corneal deposits
  • Itchy eyes, feeling of foreign objects in the eyes, stiff eyelids

For patients with diabetes: there are additional common symptoms of spotted keratitis.

You can learn more: Pink eye: Signs and treatment

8. How to store medicine

  • Keep out of reach of CHILDREN
  • Store Nevanac below 30oC
  • The vial must be discarded if it has been opened for 4 weeks

Nevanac is a brand name drug containing nepafenac used in cases before and after cataract surgery. Due to the small incidence of side effects affecting vision, follow your doctor's instructions for use and contact your doctor if you have any problems while using the medicine.

Pharmacist Pham Chi Khang 

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