What do you know about Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray?

What is Flixotide (fluticasone)? How does the drug work to be able to provide such a therapeutic effect? What should be kept in mind while taking the drug? Let's learn more about this with SignsSymptomsList!

Active ingredient name: Fluticasone
Drugs with similar ingredients:


1. What is Flixotide (fluticasone)?

Flixotide aerosol contains the active ingredient fluticasone propionate. In which, fluticasone propionate is:

  • Synthetic corticosteroids have a fluorine atom attached to the steroid skeleton.
  • Mainly has the effect of glucocorticoids.
  • The local mechanism of action is a combination of 3 important properties: anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effect.

2. Indications of the drug Flixotide (fluticasone)

What do you know about Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray?

Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray

  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with chronic bronchitis

3. Cases where Flixotide should not be used

  • You are allergic to fluticasone or any other ingredient in this medicine.
  • The aim is to relieve acute bronchospasm in asthmatics.
  • Do not use as first-line medicine for severe asthma attacks or other
    acute episodes of asthma that require drastic measures.

4. Instructions for taking Flixotide

4.1. How to use spray

Preparatory action

  1. Remove the mouthpiece cap by gently squeezing the sides of the cap and inspect the aerosol both inside and outside for any openings and affecting the quality of the medicine inside.
  2. Then, to see if the spray is working, give it a few test puffs in the air to gauge how well it's coming out.

Technical use

  1. Before taking the drug should breathe as slowly as possible.
  2. Posture when taking the drug: standing or sitting upright.
  3. Shake the spray bottle well 4-5 times to make sure all the ingredients in the medicine are mixed well.
  4. Hold the spray upright between your thumb and other fingers, with your thumb positioned at the bottom of the bottle, under the mouthpiece. Then, exhale fully.
  5. Close the tube between the teeth, slightly close the lips around the mouth, but do not bite.
  6. Next, inhale deeply and steadily. As you begin to inhale, press down on the top of the inhaler to deliver the medication while still inhaling.
  7. Remove the spray from your mouth and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  8. In case of indication, use 2 doses of the drug, wait a few minutes to inhale the next time as instructed above.
  9. After use, you need to rinse your mouth and clean your mouth.
  10. Close the mouthpiece cap as soon as it is not in use to avoid dust.

Cleaning spray bottle

  • Remove the mouthpiece cap ( Do not remove the metal cover from the plastic case)
  • Clean the inside and outside of the mouthpiece and the plastic cover with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  • Replace mouthpiece cap

4.2. Dosage

You need to take the medicine regularly even if you have no symptoms. Flixotide is only inhaled by mouth. If you find it difficult to inhale from a metered-dose inhaler, the inhaler should be used as a spacer inhaler.

Each dose is usually designed as 2 sprays/dose.

In case the patient has asthma

The time to start treatment is from 4 to 7 days. However, some benefit may be evident as early as 24 hours in patients who have not received inhaled steroids before.

You should consult your doctor if you find that the effectiveness of a short-acting bronchodilator is less effective or the patient needs to inhale more than usual.

Adults and adolescents >16 years old

  • Dose 100-1000mcg x 2 times/day

Patients should use the appropriate starting dose depending on the condition of the patient

  • Mild: 100 - 250mcg x 2 times/day.
  • Moderate: 250 - 500mcg x 2 times/day.
  • Severe: 500-1000mcg x 2 times/day.

Then, depending on the patient's response, it can be adjusted until control is achieved or reduced to the lowest effective dose.

5. Flixotide (fluticasone) side effects

What do you know about Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray?

Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray

  • Fever, chills, weakness
  • Severe nosebleed
  • Nausea, vomiting, flu symptoms
  • Runny nose, or scabs around the nostrils
  • Rash; shortness of breath; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat
  • Blurred vision, eye pain, or seeing halos around lights
  • Red, sore, or white patches in the mouth or throat

Some less serious side effects may include:

  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Mild nosebleed
  • Sinus pain, cough, sore throat
  • Problems in the menstrual cycle
  • Feeling of loss of interest in sex
  • Sores or white patches inside or around the nose

6. Drug interactions when taking Flixotide (fluticasone)

  • Corticosteroids for inhalation and/or systemic use
  • Drugs acting on cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4 in the liver (affecting drug metabolism)
  • Ketoconazole (dose 200 mg/time/day) (increases plasma concentrations)

7. Notes when taking Flixotide (fluticasone)

Flixotide (fluticasone) asthma and COPD control spray

  • Do not stop the medicine suddenly
  • Regularly check the child's height when using it for a long time
  • Medicines that do not relieve symptoms of an acute asthma attack (this condition requires the use of inhaled short-acting bronchodilators)
  • Sudden and worsening deterioration in asthma control is potentially life-threatening for the patient, and therefore an increase in corticosteroid dose should be considered. 
  • Systemic effects can occur with any inhaled corticosteroid, especially with high doses and long-term use. Possible effects are Cushing's syndrome, Cushing-like manifestations, growth retardation in children and adolescents, decreased bone mineral density, cataracts, and glaucoma.
  • Replacing systemic steroid therapy with inhaled steroids may present with other allergic conditions such as allergic rhinitis or eczema previously controlled with systemic steroids.
  • Note when using the drug in patients with diabetes, patients with active or silent tuberculosis.
  • If paradoxical bronchospasm with increased wheezing occurs immediately after administration of the drug. The drug should be discontinued immediately and the patient's condition assessed.

In addition, the patient's use of the inhaler should be checked to ensure synchronization between inhalation and inhalation for optimal delivery of the drug to the lungs.

8. For pregnant and lactating women

8.1. Pregnant women

The drug is used for pregnant women with asthma because asthma causes lack of oxygen leading to danger to the fetus. At normal therapeutic doses, the drug poses little risk of teratogenicity in humans.

8.2. Breastfeeding Women

You should consult your doctor for advice before taking the drug to avoid affecting the child.

9. What to do when you miss a dose of Flixotide

  • If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember
  • Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose
  • If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take it at your usual schedule.

10. How to store medicine

  • Keep the medicine out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Avoid leaving the medicine in a humid place such as a bathroom. Avoid direct light.
  • Store in a dry place at 15-30°C. 
  • Do not use expired drugs and know how to handle these drugs before releasing them into the environment.

Above is information about Flixotide inhaler for asthma and COPD control. Make sure to use the inhaler correctly and use the correct dose recommended by your doctor for optimal results.

Pharmacist Nguyen Ngoc Cam Tien

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