What is the structure and function of the insula?

The insula is one of the parts that make up the human brain. Although not much is known about this lobe, it also plays a role. Any damage to this lobe affects quality of life. So what is the structure and function of this lobe of the brain? Let's find the answer through the following article.


1.  What is an islet  ?

The word "insula" is Latin for "island". The insula of the human brain is a separate lobe, next to the four main lobes. Today the insula is considered an independent lobe of the human brain. Of all the lobes, this one seems to have not received much attention. For that reason, it is considered very mystical in medicine and very little is known about this lobe of the brain.    What is the structure and function of the insula?

The insula serves a variety of human functions, from sensory and emotional processing to high-level perception. The lobe  is also known as the "Island of Reil". The name is based on Johann Chrstian Reil's initial discovery in 1809. The insula is an area of ​​the brain lobe that cannot be seen from the surface.

2.  Anatomical structure of the insula  in the human brain

The insula  is the part of the cerebral cortex located in both hemispheres. The inner holes form the floor of the side groove. So, to visualize it macroscopically, parts of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes had to be removed.

Therefore, portions of this lobe that cover the foramen ovale are called foramen ovale. When the flaps of the insular lobe  are resected, the gyrus and grooves of this lobe can be seen.

The insula is a lobe with a triangular shape. It is surrounded by front, upper and middle limit grooves. These grooves are used to distinguish the three parts of the lobe flap, including: the frontal lid, the parietal lid, and the temporal lid.

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When the lobe flap is opened, we can see first the main central lobe groove, which divides it into anterior and posterior segments. The previous part consists of 3 short acts: a short act first, a short act in the middle and a short act after. While the latter part consists of 2 long acts: The long act before and the long act after.

What is the structure and function of the insula?

insula port

Because this lobe is called an island, it will also have its own harbor. The port of insula is called limen insula (the latin name means "port of the island"). The limen is the most anterior part of the inner cortical surface. g. It forms the lateral boundary of the anterior foramen and represents the extent to which the middle cerebral artery normally bifurcates or bifurcates.

3.  Cell structure of the lobe Insula

From an embryological perspective, the Insula lobe is the structure between the neocortex and the ancient cerebrum. Three or more cortical areas with cellular structures were profiled in the stroma. The cerebral cortex is classified based on the degree of granulation, divided into three parts:

  • Central superficial cortex.
  • The cortical medial complex.
  • Outer granular cortex.

The degree of granulation increased from the central region, the region where no granulosa cells were present. Then through the intermediate zone showing the presence of some granulosa cells, to the outermost shell with a fully developed granulosa layer.

4.  Connection of the insula

The insula  is connected to the following structures:

  • New cerebral cortex.
  • Basal ganglia.
  • Hill region.
  • Limbic system and olfactory cortex

These findings disprove the theory that the insular lobe  is an isolated island. Instead, however, they suggest that the Insula lobe possesses multiple functions.

5.  Function of Insula . lobe

Functional neuroimaging studies have linked pathways with craving, appetite, and addiction. In addition, it has been shown that the insula lobe plays an important role in a variety of psychiatric disorders. Examples include schizophrenia, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It is not difficult to see that the cortex of the insula  has extensive connections with surrounding brain structures. At the same time, it participates in many important activities of the central nervous system.

Some of the main functions of the insula include:

  • Taste.
  • Integrated awareness.
  • Control movement.
  • Internal balance.
  • Play a role in the experience of body self-awareness.
  • Social feelings or emotions in general.
  • Auditory perception.

auditory perception

6.  Neurophysiology of the insula

The insula lobe has a number of different functions, serving as the main secretory cortex. As well as there are important connections with language and visual-vestibular integration. In addition, it also has an important autonomous function. Especially sympathetic tone from the right nerve. Damage to this area is associated with cardiac arrhythmias.

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7.  Related Medical Conditions

Any damage to the insula  can lead to some of the following disorders:

  • Progressive loss of expressive language.
  • Addiction.
  • Insula lobe epilepsy.
  • Anxiety disorders, emotional regulation disorders, anorexia nervosa, etc.

What is the structure and function of the insula?

 Anorexia nervosa

In general, any structure of the brain plays a role. And lobes are no exception. Any small or large lesion in this insula can lead to certain pathologies. It has a significant impact on people's quality of life.

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