Exposing 8 causes of itchy ears

Itchy ears is not a rare phenomenon and can happen to anyone. Determining the right cause of itchy ears can help reduce the risk of this condition.

In this article, it is about the real itching in the ear, not the "itchy ear" when listening to something "not through the eardrum". Anyone can have an itchy, itchy ear that "wants to scratch" a few times in their life. There are many causes of this condition, from local causes to systemic causes. When you understand what is causing the itchy ears, you will be less worried and have appropriate treatment.

You can't get rid of itchy ears if you don't know the exact cause. To "understand", let's find out with SignsSymptomsList.com 8 common causes of this situation right in the following article:

1. Itchy ear due to infection

Inflammation of the middle ear during a viral cold or flu, followed by a bacterial superinfection. Sometimes, itching in the ear is caused by an ear infection and is also a sign that the infection is progressing. In this case, you should see a doctor for treatment, to avoid complications of atrial perforation, chronic inflammation or other dangerous intracranial complications. When the middle ear is inflamed, the eardrum is punctured, the inflammatory fluid drains into the ear canal, which can cause inflammation of the ear canal and irritation causing itching of the ear canal.

Besides, otitis externa can also occur if water gets stuck in the ear or earwax accumulates too much, creating conditions for bacteria to grow. To prevent this situation, you should avoid letting water sit in your ears, remove earwax properly. Consult your doctor if the inflammation tends to get worse. The doctor will then clean the ear canal and make an ear medicine for you. Several types of antibiotic ear drops, including oral antibiotics, are used to control the infection.

2. Itchy ears due to too dry ears

Normally, the skin of the ear canal always has a certain moisture due to the sebum secreted to cover the surface to protect the ear canal. This substance is thick like wax and is often referred to as earwax. That physiological earwax will "collect" dead cells, fine dust, bacteria ... clinging to the ear canal and gradually dry, then fall out without having to "excavate" by cotton swabs and hooks. wax.

If you clean your ears too much, losing all the protective wax film, the skin of the ear canal will dry out, irritate it, cause itching and weaken the resistance, creating conditions for bacteria and fungi to attack. Some people, due to the condition, the secretory cells of the skin of the ear canal do not work effectively, do not provide enough sebum to maintain moisture, causing the ears to be dry, easily irritated, causing itching. In these people, the most recognizable symptom is peeling skin in the ear canal.

Many people have the "interest" of taking earwax, can't stand it and become "addicted". Of course, the more waxy, the drier the ear, but the drier, the more itchy, and the more itchy, the more waxy. That vicious cycle has the risk of turning into a "painful animal" when the skin of the ear canal is "onion" leading to damage and inflammation.

To avoid this situation, do not "clean" the ear too thoroughly, let the ear do its job. In people with atopic dry ears, the skin of the ear canal should be moistened with baby oil or olive oil. You can apply it through a small cotton swab or put a few drops in the ear canal for the oil to spread into the ear canal.

3. Food allergies cause itchy ears

Food allergies can also cause itchy ears. Many people are "intolerable" due to their physical condition, so they have to abstain from everything. Foods that are at risk of causing this allergen include:

  • Milk
  • Flour
  • Nuts
  • Soy bean
  • Shellfish and seafood (shrimp, crab, oysters, snails, clams...)
  • Additives, flavorings in food processing, yeast...

If you already have itchy ears due to allergies, you may also experience itching on the rest of your face, even body itching and hives. This is an allergic reaction of the whole body of which the skin of the ear canal is only a very small part.

Some people have oral allergy syndrome, which often causes itching around the mouth when they eat certain foods, such as:

  • Chestnuts (hazelnuts)
  • Almond
  • Sunflower seed
  • Fruits like apples, melons, cherries, kiwis and bananas

In people with food allergies, the itching on the skin is only "normally moderate", if the itching symptoms stop there and the person secretly promises not to "re-offend". But, in many cases, when the body overreacts to an allergen, causing edema of loose tissues such as lips, tongue, floor of mouth, throat, larynx, threatening airway obstruction and worsening. Another is anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening. These cases require urgent medical intervention.

4. Ears with itchy earwax accumulation

As mentioned above, physiological earwax acts as a "shield" to protect the skin of the ear canal and "catch" dirt to expel. However, for some reason, it gets stuck, accumulates into a "button" of wax, lies "on its own" and blocks the ear canal, preventing sound from entering, creating a culture of bacteria and bacteria. fungus, causing irritation, itching, inflammation and poor hearing.

Improper ear hygiene behavior, such as using cotton swabs, uncontrollable wax sticks, will accidentally push the wax into the deep instead of letting it move out on its own, dry and fall. It should be warned, the dangerous way of removing earwax such as using an ear candle can also cause burns and damage leading to narrowing of the ear canal later.

To avoid that, you should learn how to properly clean your ears. Note that chewing, running, and exercising will make the earwax "shake" and make it easier to peel off. If earwax forms a plug, it needs to be examined and removed. Depending on the case, the doctor can take it directly or use drops to dissolve the wax and drain the ear canal.

>>> You can learn more: Tips to help you clean your ears safely

5. Using hearing aids with itchy ears

Some people with sensitive skin are easily irritated or are allergic to the plastic material of the hearing aid, so it is easy to get itchy ears when wearing the device. Moreover, if there is standing water in the ear, it will not be able to escape because the device seals the ear opening, which will also cause inflammation and itching even if there is no allergy. In cases where the plug is too big for the ear canal, compressing the skin of the ear canal causing inflammation and itching, you should ask the experts to adjust it accordingly.

6. Itchy ears due to stagnant water

When water stagnates in the ear without being able to drain, the skin of the ear canal is soaked in water, which will reduce the local resistance, creating conditions for bacteria to grow and cause inflammation. When inflamed, the skin of the ear canal will be very itchy and uncomfortable. This situation is often seen in people who love to swim and dive and young children play "too much" in the water of lakes, ponds and canals. As the inflammation progresses, other symptoms will appear, such as:

  • Ear hurt
  • Ear discharge
  • Swelling around the ear
  • Neck and head pain
  • Swollen cervical lymph nodes
  • The feeling that the ear is full and congested
  • Hearing loss, tinnitus

To avoid this undesirable situation, it is recommended to have earplugs when swimming and diving, to prevent dirty water from entering the ears. Do not "soak" your ears in water for too long, even in a clean swimming pool. After "satisfying" in the water, must dry the ear area, avoid letting water stay in the ear. When you have an ear infection, especially when the inflammation is so advanced that home remedies do not work, you should use the "right to help" from a medical professional. The doctor can make ear medicine and then instruct you to use ear drops with a suitable antibiotic solution, which may be accompanied by taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory, pain relief. Note that, only use ear drops as prescribed, because some antibiotics can be toxic to the cochlea when the eardrum is punctured. Should adhere to the dosage and course of treatment,

7. Allergic rhinitis causes itchy ears

Allergic rhinitis is a systemic disease, manifesting in the nose. It is also one of the causes of itchy ears. Diseases in the ears, nose, and throat are often related. Nasal allergies are often caused by environmental influences, house dust, pollen, pet dander, etc. In addition to causing itchy nose, itchy throat, itchy eyes and itchy ears, this disease is also accompanied by other symptoms. Other signs such as:

  • Sneeze every time
  • Runny nose with clear water
  • Dull headache
  • Stuffy nose
  • Weep
  • Poor concentration
  • Tired

To limit this situation, in principle, you should avoid contact with allergens. Take allergy medicine prescribed by your doctor. When the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are under control, the itching in the ears will also disappear.

8. Itchy ears due to dermatological diseases

Skin diseases can manifest anywhere on the body, and the skin of the ear canal is one of them. You may experience itchy ears if there are skin diseases in the vicinity. Dermatological conditions that can cause itchy ears include:

  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

When you have skin diseases, you may notice that the skin around the ears has peeling, itchy patches. You need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

As a precaution, you need to keep the area around your ears clean and take your skin disease treatment seriously. When there are signs of disease spreading from the outside into the ear, you should go to the doctor for treatment, to avoid damage from spreading deep into the ear canal, complicating care. Avoid picking the outer ear canal on your own with a cotton swab, but visit your doctor to have it cleaned safely.

Itchy ears are usually not too dangerous and can go away with the right treatment. In case of persistent itching, accompanied by other severe signs, you should go to a doctor to be examined and resolved, avoid trying to manage on your own at home which is dangerous.

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