Ear, nose and throat

Throat sores and things to know

Throat sores and things to know

Throat ulcers cause quite a lot of pain for sufferers. You must have tasted the pain of mouth sores, right? If there are sores in the throat, it will be extremely uncomfortable. Let's learn about this painful problem with SignsSymptomsList!

Why do I have cracks on my tongue?

Why do I have cracks on my tongue?

Doctor Tran Thanh Long's article about fissures on the tongue, a benign condition, often appearing on the upper surface of the tongue.

Tonsillitis: A dangerous disease!

Tonsillitis: A dangerous disease!

Article by Doctor Nguyen Le Vu Hoang about tonsil cancer, a dangerous disease that can be treated well when diagnosed at a very early stage.

What is an ear keloid? Can it be cured?

What is an ear keloid? Can it be cured?

Doctor Tran Thanh Long's article about keloids, people with keloid scars often have the best response when combining many different treatments.

Tuberculosis of the nose: Diagnosis and treatment methods

Tuberculosis of the nose: Diagnosis and treatment methods

Tuberculosis of the nose is a rare disease, often occurring secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis; in some cases, nasal tuberculosis is also considered a primary infection.

Tinnitus on airplanes: Some things to know!

Tinnitus on airplanes: Some things to know!

Tinnitus is a condition in which the eardrums are stressed, making them unable to function properly. Symptoms appear when there is a difference in pressure inside the ear and the outside environment. Specifically, the most common time for tinnitus to occur is during take-off and landing. However, some other cases can also cause this symptom such as driving to high mountains, taking the elevator ...

Things to know about swollen tongue

Things to know about swollen tongue

Doctor Tran Thanh Long's article on swollen uvula, including symptoms, causes and risk factors for swollen uvula

What is voice cracking? Why do we have broken voices?

What is voice cracking? Why do we have broken voices?

Doctor Tran Thanh Long's article about voice cracking, which can happen at any age, gender, causes, treatment and ways to prevent voice cracking.

Numbness of the tongue and related diseases

Numbness of the tongue and related diseases

Tran Thanh Long's article about numbness of the tongue and related diseases, when you should see a doctor if you have numbness of the tongue.