8 causes of anal swelling that you need to know

The anus is a part of the digestive system, 2.5-4cm long and located at the end of the rectum. In some cases, the anus may become swollen, accompanied by symptoms such as pain, itching, burning, and bleeding. Most causes of anal swelling are temporary and harmless. However, sometimes this condition is a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs monitoring.

Let's find out the common causes of anal swelling and how to treat this condition in the following article.

Causes of anal swelling

Swollen anus can be caused by many different things, including:

Anal fissure

An anal fissure is a tear in the anal canal that usually occurs in people with chronic constipation or diarrhea. Symptoms of this condition include:

  • Pain and bleeding in the anus, especially during bowel movements
  • Itching, swelling or irritation of the anus
  • The skin around the anus is cracked, excess skin appears in the anus

Abscess around the anus

Perianal abscess is a painful, festering swelling that occurs in the area around the anus due to an infection. When the abscesses grow large and rupture, the patient will see pus draining out. At the same time, this condition is also often accompanied by symptoms such as fever, swelling and pain in the anus.

8 causes of anal swelling that you need to know • SignsSymptomsList.com

Swollen anus due to hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum - anus, causing blood stasis and creating a tuft-like structure. Varicose veins that occur below the dentate line are called external hemorrhoids.

In contrast, hemorrhoids that appear above the dentate line and are covered by the glandular lining of the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids. This disease is also one of the common causes of anal swelling.

Older adults, people with low-fiber diets, people with chronic constipation, and pregnant women are at increased risk for hemorrhoids. Common symptoms of the disease include:

  • Anal itching sensation
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Anal pain
  • Feel a soft hemorrhoid lying hidden or protruding out of the anal canal

Inflammation of the anus

Anositis is an infection that occurs in the anal canal. Anal inflammation can be caused by conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, anal infections, and chronic diarrhea. In addition, the frequent use of spicy, acidic and spicy foods is also the cause of this disease.

In addition to anal swelling, anal inflammation also causes problems such as:

  • Bloody stools
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Itchy anus
  • Constantly feeling the need to go to the toilet even though there is no need to defecate
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain in left abdomen
  • A feeling of fullness in the rectum

R anal

Inside the anal opening there are several sebaceous glands scattered. When these glands become blocked for some reason, bacteria will begin to accumulate and form an abscess here.

Over time, the abscess will gradually increase in size and escape by creating a hole in the skin near the anus. In other words, an anal fistula is the "tunnel" that connects the inflamed gland to this external opening.

Common symptoms of anal fistula include:

  • Anal pain
  • Bad-smelling discharge near the anus
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Red swelling around the anus

Swollen anus due to Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. It usually causes ulcers in the inner walls of the small and large intestines but can also affect any part of the digestive tract, including the anus. Common symptoms of this disease include:

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Painful swelling around the anus
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Discharge from the anus, vagina, or scrotum

8 causes of anal swelling that you need to know • SignsSymptomsList.com

Swollen anus due to anal cancer

Although quite rare, a swollen anus can also be a sign of anal cancer. Symptoms of anal cancer are often quite similar to those of other anal disorders, including:

  • Anal bleeding
  • Itchy feeling in the anus
  • Anal pain
  • Discomfort in the rectal area
  • Abnormal discharge from the anus
  • Change your bowel habits

Anal sex

The "back door" sex position is often not recommended because of certain risks, especially the risk of infection. In addition, the friction and rubbing during anal sex can cause the sensitive tissues around the anus to become irritated, causing swelling, pain, discharge or bleeding.

Diagnosing anal swelling

To diagnose anal swelling, your doctor will take a medical history and ask you to perform a number of physical exams. Problems related to anal disorders can be identified with the naked eye or through specialized anal canal exams.

In addition, to determine the cause of the swelling, your doctor will perform the following tests:

  • Colonoscopy: This method allows the doctor to look directly at the lining of the anus and rectum to look for signs of disease.
  • Sigmoidoscopy: With a sigmoidoscopy, doctors use a thin tube with a camera on the end to check for abnormalities inside the rectum and sigmoid colon.
  • Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy also uses a long tube connected to a camera to examine the rectum and large intestine.

Điều trị tình trạng hậu môn bị sưng

Phương pháp điều trị sẽ được lựa chọn dựa trên nguyên nhân gây sưng hậu môn, cụ thể như sau:

Nứt hậu môn

Hiện tượng nứt hậu môn có thể được khắc phục tại nhà bằng các biện pháp như:

  • Tắm rửa bằng nước ấm sau khi đi đại tiện
  • Xây dựng chế độ ăn uống với các loại thực phẩm giàu chất xơ
  • Sử dụng các loại thuốc giúp làm mềm phân
  • Uống nhiều nước
  • Sử dụng các loại thuốc bôi để giảm đau

Trong trường hợp mãn tính, các vết nứt hậu môn sẽ cần được điều trị bằng phương pháp phẫu thuật. Ngoài ra, tiêm botulinum (Botox) vào cơ thắt hậu môn cũng là một cách giúp chữa lành vết nứt hậu môn mãn tính.

Áp xe quanh hậu môn

Áp xe quanh hậu môn thường được điều trị bằng phẫu thuật để dẫn lưu dịch mủ ra ngoài. Sau khi phẫu thuật, người bệnh cần nghỉ ngơi từ 3 đến 4 tuần để vết thương lành lại hoàn toàn.

Điều trị bệnh trĩ

To treat swollen anus due to hemorrhoids, patients can apply the following simple measures:

  • Build a high-fiber diet
  • Soften stools by adding fiber-boosting products to your body
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Take a warm bath or bath several times a day
  • Stay in a good mood while defecating
  • Don't sit on the toilet for too long

8 causes of anal swelling that you need to know • SignsSymptomsList.com

  • Ring hemorrhoids
  • Laser hemorrhoid removal method
  • The Longo method

How to cure swollen anus due to anal inflammation

  • Change your diet and increase fiber-rich foods
  • Reduce anxiety, stress, stress
  • Apply cold at the site of inflammation

Treatment of anal fistula

Treatment of anal swelling caused by Crohn's disease

  • Use of antibiotics
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs
  • Using biological drugs
  • Surgery

Treatment of anal cancer

Treatment for anal cancer will be chosen based on factors such as the type of cancer, the size of the tumor, the stage of the cancer, and the patient's overall health. Usually, anal cancer can be treated with methods such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Swollen anus can cause discomfort, but it is not a serious problem and usually does not leave sequelae. You can overcome this condition with simple measures such as taking a warm bath, eating a lot of fiber and using topical medications. However, if the swelling persists, causes bleeding or affects bowel movements, you need to go to the hospital immediately for examination and treatment.

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