Guava fruit is popular, easy to eat and benign, but few people know if pregnant women in the first 3 months can eat guava? The article will answer if you can eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy and guide pregnant women to eat guava properly.
Pregnant women in the first 3 months cannot arbitrarily eat fruits according to their preferences. There are fruits that will cause pregnant women to have abdominal pain, diarrhea or risk of miscarriage. According to Oriental medicine, guava is a warm fruit, according to folk experience, the fruit can cause constipation. So can pregnant women in the first three months eat guava? In the first 3 months of pregnancy, if you want to eat guava, how should it be good for both mother and baby?
Is it good to eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy?
The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period of fetal development. Your baby's nervous system begins to develop in the 4th week of pregnancy. By week 6, the brain and spinal cord along with the heart, circulatory system, and internal organs begin to form. Nutrition in the first trimester will affect your baby's development. Does guava contain essential nutrients for pregnant women in the first 3 months?
Many pregnant women wonder if they can eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy?
Guava contains most of the nutrients that are good for the health of pregnant women and babies. Statistics in 100g of guava meet the nutrients below:
- Fiber (5.5g): Has the effect of supporting digestion, preventing constipation during pregnancy.
- Calcium (17mg): Helps pregnant women have strong bones, prevent cramps. At week 7, your baby's fingers and toes begin to form. Calcium will promote bone formation, prevent bone deformities.
- Vitamin C (228.3mg): Helps pregnant women increase resistance, prevent colds and fight pathogens from outside. Vitamin C also increases iron absorption by 20%, preventing anemia.
- Trace elements: Phosphorus, magnesium, sodium participate in maintaining the function of organs. Ingredients vitamin B6, B12 and especially vitamin B9 (folic acid) have the effect of preventing birth defects in the fetus.
In terms of nutritional value, the question of whether it is good for pregnant women to eat guava in the first 3 months is not very good. But not so that pregnant women are comfortable eating according to their preferences. Eating a lot of guava or eating guava in the wrong way will lead to danger for both mother and baby.
Guava provides important nutrients for mother and baby in the first 3 months of pregnancy
Can you eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy?
Guava is a benign fruit and suitable for almost all subjects. Even small children, diabetics, people with stomach diseases can also eat or drink guava juice. According to the doctor's recommendation, pregnant women in the first 3 months can eat guava in the allowed dose. Pregnant women should not eat a lot of guava to avoid health hazards:
- Eating a lot of guava can make pregnant women gassy and constipated. This is because guava contains tannins, which have astringent properties. Tannin accumulation in the stomach will astringent mucosa, slow intestinal motility and hinder the elimination of waste.
- Although guava contains protein tyrosine phosphatase, which improves insulin resistance, good for diabetes. But if you eat a lot or eat the whole shell can increase blood sugar, the risk of gestational diabetes .
- Pregnant women are prone to problems with digestive disorders, stomach pain because the body changes progesterone. Eating a lot of guava easily makes this situation more serious, especially eating whole seeds can cause stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome.
- Guava is susceptible to salmonella, E.coli and listeria bacteria. Pregnant women who eat guava shells without washing are at risk of infection, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
Pregnant women in the first 3 months can eat guava but should not eat much
How to eat guava good for pregnant women in the first 3 months?
You are no longer wondering if you can eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy but do not know how to eat well for pregnant women? Here are the suggestions to eat guava properly during pregnancy.
- Do not eat young guava, green guava because the risk of constipation is higher than ripe guava.
- Wash and peel if you are not sure about the quality of guava. You can eat the peel if you are sure that the guava is clean and does not contain chemicals.
- Chew guava thoroughly for easy digestion, remove seeds to avoid increasing pressure on the stomach. If you are worried about eating guava and have an upset stomach, you can use guava juice.
- Only use fresh and healthy guava, not crushed or rotten.
- Every day, pregnant women should only eat about 100g of guava. If you want to eat more, wait at least 2 hours afterwards to reduce the load on the digestive system.
According to the doctor's advice, pregnant women eat 100g of guava a day is enough
What fruit should not be eaten in the first 3 months of pregnancy?
Although fruits contain a lot of fiber and vitamins that are good for pregnancy health, not all fruits are safe. Not only wondering if you can eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women are also confused when choosing a variety of other foods and fruits. During the first trimester, pregnant women need to be very careful when eating fruits that cause miscarriage , heat in the body or allergies.
- Pineapple: Bromelain has the effect of softening and weakening the cervix, so it is easy to cause miscarriage. The greener the pineapple, the higher the bromelain content.
- Longan, lychee: These two have hot properties, increasing heat production inside the body. Pregnant women who eat a lot are prone to "hot flashes", adversely affecting the development of the fetus.
- Green papaya: Contains latex that causes uterine contractions, risk of miscarriage. The enzyme papain in green papaya inhibits cell growth that is not good for the fetus.
- Peach: Peach is both hot and easy to cause allergies, increasing the risk of abnormal bleeding in pregnant women. Pregnant women absolutely do not eat peaches if there are signs of bleeding.
Peaches are not good for pregnant women in the first 3 months
The answers about whether to eat guava in the first 3 months of pregnancy have helped pregnant women feel more secure when eating guava. To ensure the health of the mother and help the baby develop, pregnant women should increase folic acid supplements during pregnancy , take iron and calcium. Combining nutrition and scientific rest will help mother and baby have a healthy pregnancy.