What are the uses of perilla leaves? Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

When it comes to perilla, many people know it because it is a familiar spice commonly used in cooking, drinking water to beautify the skin or in medicine. Although perilla is very good for health, many people wonder if it is good to drink perilla leaves daily. Let's find out through the following article.

According to Traditional Medicine, perilla leaves have excellent healing and preventive effects. However, you need to understand the uses and notes when using perilla leaves to maximize the effectiveness of this vegetable.

The effect of perilla leaves

Perilla leaves are dark green, with burgundy veins. We often see perilla sold with many familiar raw vegetables such as lettuce, cinnamon, basil,... Research shows that the health benefits of eating perilla leaves are many, typically: Support treatment of flu, food poisoning, asthma , respiratory viruses, diabetes , ...

Perilla leaves are dark green, with burgundy veins.

Here are some typical uses of perilla that many people may not know:

Fight against respiratory pathogens

Perilla leaf extract has the ability to inhibit the growth of respiratory viruses in many ways. In addition, perilla extract also helps to effectively support the treatment of bronchial asthma by promoting air circulation as well as improving lung function.

Skin beauty

The use of perilla leaves to beautify the skin is well-known thanks to the active ingredient Prisril, which has the ability to help improve pigmentation as well as remove dead cells on the skin. Since then, your skin has gradually become more even and brighter. 

Not to mention, perilla leaves also contain vitamin E ingredients to help increase moisture, making the skin more and more smooth.

Perilla leaves help beautify the skin, treat skin diseases.

Anti-allergic, protect the cardiovascular and nervous system

One of the effects of perilla extract is to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in the body thanks to its relatively high omega-3 content. We all know, omega-3 supports anti-inflammatory, good antioxidant, promotes the brain to enhance cognitive function, thereby reducing the risk of dementia in the elderly. At the same time, if you consume omega-3 daily, it also helps to support the health of the cardiovascular system.

Prevention of cancer

Perilla leaves contain a large amount of luteolin, rosmarinic acid and triterpene that can help fight latent cancer cells inside the body.

Treat skin diseases

Not only beautifying the skin, cooking perilla leaf juice to drink will help you improve the condition of rashes and urticaria on the skin. 

Treat gout, good for digestion

Perilla leaves are good for gout sufferers.

The effect of supporting the treatment of gout, the digestive benefits from perilla are due to the four active ingredients in perilla leaves that can reduce the enzyme xanthin oxidase - the agent that causes uric acid to cause gout . Regular use of perilla leaf extract, you will see a gradual improvement in the symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort, both gastric reflux symptoms and mild constipation in irritable bowel syndrome are also significantly reduced.

Support weight loss

Perilla leaves contain a lot of vegetable protein, minerals, fiber and vitamins that can promote stomach digestion, thereby reducing the risk of being overweight and obese.

Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

Above we have learned the benefits of perilla leaves for health and skin. However, many people wonder whether drinking perilla leaves  daily is good?

As everyone knows, any food is good, but when put into the body, it also needs to be reasonable and scientific. Abuse of perilla leaves is absolutely not advisable because it can lead to harmful effects to the body.

According to specialists, if a person drinks perilla leaf juice too much for a long time, it is easy to face the risk of high blood pressure , affecting the cardiovascular system. Not to mention, if the user is allergic to some ingredients in perilla leaf juice, it is likely to lead to bad reactions with the body.

Drinking perilla leaves daily is good or not, the answer is good but with the right amount.

Therefore, drinking perilla leaves daily is good or not, this is good, but drinking a lot of perilla leaves is good, the answer is no. You need to drink with the right dose and the way to supplement must also be scientific. Specifically, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Do not drink too much perilla juice to avoid gas, bloating as well as some bad side effects on the body.
  • It is best to drink perilla leaf juice about 30 minutes before eating for the best effect.
  • Perilla leaf juice should be stored in the refrigerator when not in use, up to 24 hours. Do not leave perilla juice for too long, it will cause the nutrients to lose their effectiveness.
  • Only drink 3-4 glasses of perilla leaf juice per day, divided into each drink.

How to cook perilla juice

Before cooking perilla leaves, you need to wash the perilla leaves after you buy them. Should soak perilla leaves with diluted salt water and then wash. Then boil 2.5 liters of filtered water, then put the washed perilla leaves in the lid, continue to boil this mixture for about 2 minutes, then turn off the heat, let it cool. You can add three slices of fresh lemon to the jar, cover, store in the refrigerator to drink all day. 

In addition to cooking perilla leaf juice as a drink as above, you can use perilla leaves in the following remedies:

  • Cold relief: Put in a bowl of washed fresh perilla leaves, three slices of ginger and two purple onions, which have been chopped, then beat in an egg and scoop hot porridge into it, mix it up and eat it hot to relieve it. feel very effective.
  • Cure flatulence, abdominal pain: Perilla leaves are washed, drained, then pounded with a little salt and then distilled water to drink.

Hopefully, the above article has helped you understand what perilla leaves are for as well as answer the question of whether drinking perilla leaves daily is good or not drinking a lot of perilla leaves. Perilla leaves are a readily available, inexpensive natural medicine that brings extremely good health and skin benefits. You should know how to use perilla leaves rationally and scientifically so that your body can be healthy and beautiful safely.

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What are the uses of perilla leaves? Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

What are the uses of perilla leaves? Is it good to drink perilla leaves daily?

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