Immediately save 3 ways to make delicious tofu at home

Tofu is a favorite dish of many people and is sold in many shops. However, many people worry that going to buy tofu will have plaster that is not good for health. So invite you to immediately with 3 ways to make tofu at home below! 

Tofu is loved by many people not only because it's easy to eat but also because it can be processed into a variety of other dishes such as vegetarian, fried, soup, etc. Today, let's go to the kitchen with SignsSymptomsList to make tofu . . Wish you success from the first time. 

Health benefits of tofu 

Tofu, also known as tofu, is made from condensed soy milk and then pressed into square blocks. Currently, there are two types of tofu: regular tofu and young tofu. Before coming to the 3 ways to make tofu, let's learn about the effects of tofu on the body and find out if eating a lot of tofu is good! 

Tofu has a very high protein content and contains many essential amino acids needed by the body. This food is also rich in fats, carbs, minerals and vitamins. In addition, tofu also contains phytoestrogens like many other soybeans. High content of natural plant compounds (isoflavones) that have the ability to activate estrogen receptors in the body. At the same time, the isoflavones in tofu help reduce the risk of cancer, protect the heart and reduce the risk of diabetes

A person who regularly eats tofu will help strengthen bones. At the same time, the brain function of people who often eat tofu also increases, menopausal symptoms are reduced and especially eating tofu has a very good anti-depressant ability. Therefore, pregnant women often love and choose to eat tofu to reduce the risk of depression as well as help strong bones. 

Tofu is a refreshing, easy-to-eat dish that can be processed into many different delicious dishes 

3 ways to make delicious, prepared tofu at home

How to make gypsum tofu 

Ingredients include: 350g of soybeans and 10g of gypsum powder… 

Tofu making steps: 

Step 1: Soak soybeans 

  • Soybeans purchased for you are washed to remove dirt, mold seeds.
  • Soak soybeans in water for about 4 to 10 hours so that they hydrate and expand more evenly. Note that you need to soak in a large box so that the beans have enough space to bloom. 

Step 2: Grind soybeans 

  • Soybeans, after soaking, are washed. 
  • Drain the beans and put them in a blender with 1.5l of water. 
  • When the mixture thickens, blend for an additional 3 minutes at high speed until the mixture is smooth. 

Step 3: Filter to get soy milk 

  • If you have a dedicated strainer, you can use it if you don't, you can use a clean cloth to filter it to make the mixture smoother. 
  • Be careful with this step because the less fiber the soy mixture has, the smoother and tastier the finished tofu will be. 

Step 4: Cook the soybeans

  • Heat the soy milk on the stove for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning the bottom. If there is foam, skim off the foam to prevent the tofu from pitting. 
  • After the milk boils, turn off the heat, use a large bowl to dilute 10g of gypsum powder with 60ml of filtered water. While the soy milk is still warm, pour in the gypsum powder and stir well to allow the soybeans to settle on their own. 

Step 5: Incubate tofu 

  • Pour the tofu into the bacteria and cover with cling film. 
  • Wait for the mixture to cool, then continue to put it in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes to let it solidify. 

How to make delicious tofu at home is interested by many housewives 

How to make Oatmeal Tofu 

It is not necessary that tofu is made from soybeans as many people think. In addition to soybeans, oats will also be an ingredient to make tofu. 

Ingredients include: 60g oats, 300ml filtered water, ... With this tofu dish you can use with ginger juice, sauce or fruit. 

Implementation steps: 

Step 1: Soak oats 

  • Soak 60g oats for 20 minutes. Next, using a sieve, filter out the part of the oats that have bloomed evenly and discard the soaking water. 
  • You soak the oats again for another 10 minutes. Then pour off the soaking water to drain the oats. 

Step 2: Puree oats to cook milk

  • Put oats in a blender with 300ml of filtered water. 
  • Proceed to filter the blended mixture to get a smooth milk. 
  • Heat the oat milk mixture on the stove. Remember to stir well with your hands to avoid burning until the mixture thickens, then turn off the heat. 

Step 3: Molding

  • You bring the cooked oat tofu mixture into the mold with the desired shape. 
  • Wait for the mixture to cool, then put it back in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes to completely freeze. 

The finished product of oat tofu will be extremely soft, smooth, and melt in your mouth. This will be the perfect dessert for the family that both adults and children will love. 

Tofu is not necessarily made from soybeans, but can be made from oats 

How to make egg tofu

Main ingredients include: 6 chicken eggs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 300ml soy milk (including 100g ground soybeans and 400ml filtered water),... 

Implementation steps: 

Step 1: Dissolve the soy and egg mixture 

  • Crack 6 eggs into a large bowl and mix well. To make the tofu product smooth, you should sieve it through to filter out the undissolved egg. 
  • After the eggs are dissolved, add 300ml of soy milk and mix well. 
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt to make the egg tofu more flavorful. Note that too much salt should not be added, which will reduce the quality of the finished product. 

Step 2: Sift egg tofu mixture

  • Use a special sieve to filter again to remove all residue, if any. 
  • You should not sift too many times because there will be tiny air bubbles that will make the tofu pitted. 

Step 3: Steam tofu

  • Pour the sifted egg tofu mixture into the prepared mold and steam it over low heat for about 25 minutes. 
  • While steaming, use a clean towel to wipe off the water on the lid of the pot because this water can cause the surface of the tofu to become unsightly. 

The finished product is soft and delicious egg tofu as a dessert for the whole family 

Instructions for preserving tofu 

First, store the tofu in clean, sterilized and sealed jars. In addition, if the tofu is not eaten, put it in a glass jar and then put in clean water or salt water, cover it, and put it in the refrigerator. Remember to change the water every day, this way we can keep the tofu for about a week. 

Above are some ways to make delicious tofu at home without being sour or broken that SignsSymptomsList would like to share with you. Hope this makes it easier for you to get started. In addition, you can also refer to other ways to do it online. Always follow SignsSymptomsList to update more interesting information about nutrition, health care regimen for you and your family! 

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