Yogurt is a dairy product that has many health benefits. However, the right way to eat yogurt is a matter of concern and research by many people. In which, eating yogurt in the morning is good or not is a question many people wonder.
Yogurt is always a nutritious food, helping to supplement many essential nutrients for the body, made up of many beneficial bacteria that are fermented in milk. Therefore, yogurt has a lot of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Yogurt can be eaten directly or combined with grains and fresh fruits to form dishes with high nutritional value.
However, should you eat yogurt in the morning or not? Let's learn about eating yogurt in the morning with us through this article!
Health benefits of yogurt
Yogurt is a source of many beneficial bacteria that are very good for the digestive system. In addition, yogurt also brings many other effects as follows:
- Yogurt is very well researched for the digestive tract.
- Yogurt has the effect of reducing cholesterol in the blood .
- Calcium in yogurt has the effect of preventing osteoporosis .
- Eating yogurt the right way helps control weight and strengthens the immune system.
- Yogurt has the effect of treating vaginal infections caused by fungi, sunburn and acne.
Yogurt has many health benefits
Is it good to eat yogurt in the morning?
Yogurt is a very popular food and can be eaten in many different ways such as with fruit, made into smoothies or added to side dishes. Here are the health benefits of eating yogurt with breakfast or 1 to 2 hours after breakfast:
Soothes the digestive system
Eating yogurt in the morning properly will be favorable conditions for the smooth digestion process. So, when eating yogurt in the morning, this food can protect the intestines and digestive system from toxins as well as bad bacteria.
Improve immune system
Yogurt has the effect of fighting disease-causing germs and protecting the intestinal tract. Furthermore, other immune-boosting properties in yogurt are due to minerals like magnesium, zinc and selenium.
Reduce high blood pressure
Consuming too much salt each day can lead to high blood pressure and kidney problems. However, the amount of potassium in yogurt has the ability to eliminate excess sodium from the body, thereby helping to lower blood pressure as well as promote a healthy heart.
Prevent vaginal infections
Yogurt is especially good for women because it helps prevent the development of yeast infections. The Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria present in yogurt not only helps control the growth of infections in the body, but also aids in killing yeast infections effectively.
Stronger bones
A box of yogurt will contain 275 mg of calcium, helping to supplement the amount of calcium needed when eating yogurt in the morning. This will help you have strong bones and maintain a stable bone density.
Helps to recover faster after a workout
Yogurt is a great post-workout snack. Because the protein in this food provides amino acids for the muscles to repair themselves. Therefore, after a workout, eat yogurt in the morning to increase energy levels in the body.
Support weight loss
Yogurt is relatively low in calories, especially unsweetened yogurt, which can help with weight management effectively.
Prevent caries
Yogurt can limit the erosion of tooth enamel, thereby effectively fighting tooth decay. In addition, this food also contains lactic acid, which helps protect the gums from germs and unwanted food particles.
Is it good to eat yogurt in the morning - is the question of many people
Notes on eating yogurt in the morning
Yogurt is a good source of beneficial bacteria for the digestive system. Thereby, you already know that eating yogurt in the morning has certain benefits. However, here are the notes when eating yogurt in the morning to get the best benefits that yogurt brings:
- Do not eat too much yogurt on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach, especially for people with stomach problems.
- It is recommended to eat yogurt after 1 hour of breakfast because at this time the gastric juice is diluted, the pH in the stomach will be the right environment for beneficial bacteria to develop to the maximum, which is much better for health.
- You should eat yogurt in moderation because eating too much is at risk of having a cold stomach. As recommended, every day an adult should only eat 250-500 grams, equivalent to 2 large boxes of yogurt.
- Do not heat or freeze yogurt, because the beneficial bacteria of yogurt will disappear and the benefits of yogurt will be lost. You should eat yogurt at normal temperature placed in the refrigerator compartment.
- Do not eat yogurt with foods with a lot of fat such as sausages or sausages… Because in processed meat foods will be added nitrosamine, this substance when combined with some substances in yogurt creates substances that can cause cancer.
- Finally, people with diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis… it's best not to eat full-fat yogurt and sugar-sweetened yogurt to avoid aggravating the condition.
For eating yogurt in the morning, readers should note that they should not be eaten on an empty stomach
Above is the information to answer questions about whether eating yogurt in the morning is good , hopefully useful for readers. Yogurt is an essential source of nutrients, essential for a healthy digestive system. However, for eating yogurt in the morning, readers need to limit eating on an empty stomach. Ideally, you can combine yogurt with other foods or eat it first with a piece of bread before eating yogurt!