Answer the question: Should I have sex with a broken bone?

When you break a bone, you need to abstain from many things to avoid displacement or complications. So, should a broken bone have sex or not? Let's learn more about this issue in the article below!

As research shows, people with broken bones need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and care regimen, including having sex properly. Therefore, the issue of broken bones should have a relationship or not is of great interest to many people. Below SignsSymptomsList will answer those questions.

Overview of some key features of bone fractures

A fracture is a condition in which the internal structures of the bone are destroyed or broken suddenly. The result is damage and disruption of the force transmitted through the bone, in other words, the bone loses its continuity and completeness due to the external force. If the discontinuity occurs completely, it is called a complete fracture. The opposite is an incomplete fracture.

There are many ways to classify fractures. Such as:

  • According to the nature of soft tissue damage: Includes closed fractures and open fractures.
  • According to the characteristics of the fracture line: Cross fracture, tendon fracture, transverse fracture, torsion fracture, etc.
  • According to the characteristics of the fracture: Complete fracture, incomplete fracture, fracture at the tip of the bone, fracture at the junction of the head and body, fracture of the body; Displaced or nondisplaced fracture.

Classification of fractures 

Time to recover after a fracture

Bone healing is a relatively complicated process and requires a lot of time. This process also depends on many factors such as: fracture location and individual location.

For small broken parts such as fingers and toes, it takes 4-6 weeks to recover. For larger lesions, it can take a long time, up to several months. The duration also depends a lot on whether the patient has any chronic comorbidities. For example, lung disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. can make the healing process take longer.

The fixation and immobilization of the bone also have a great influence on the healing time. If fixed well, the bone will heal faster. In addition, there is the impact of the initial treatment. Therefore, the patient needs to be given first aid as well as correct adjustment in the early stages. 

When the bone has completely healed, the injured area is not weaker than other normal bones, after 6 months, the patient can work and work normally without causing any impact on the bones that have been injured. broken.

Depending on the condition, the healing time will vary 

Should a broken bone have sex or not?

According to the opinion of specialists, people with broken bones can still have normal sex for the following reasons: in the human body, having sex has nothing to do with development. bone. However, in this situation, most couples are often not very excited about sex because of the pain. Besides, sex that is too strong, too rough can make the condition worse.

However, you do not have to completely abstain from sex until the bone has completely recovered. Patients can choose to have gentle sex and positions that do not cause damage to the broken bone, strictly complying with the doctor's instructions. 

However, if the fracture is at positions such as the collarbone, ribs, etc., the sex depends a lot on the patient's condition. Specifically, if the bone is broken into many segments such as cross fracture, transverse fracture, broken fracture, etc., the best time to have sex is to wait for the bone to recover, the patient has no pain. In contrast, for a condition where the bone is only slightly fractured and does not cause serious effects, you can still have sex as usual. 

Broken bones can still have normal sex 

Things to note when having sex after a fracture

Although it is possible to have sex after a fracture, a person with a broken bone should still pay attention to the following to ensure safety:

  • Consult your doctor carefully before engaging in sexual intercourse. Because this can affect locations near the genitals. Therefore, for people with pelvic fractures, the lumbar spine still needs attention.
  • If you feel numbness or pain during sex and movement, the patient should immediately contact a doctor to be examined and treated properly.
  • Should have sex when the bone has been fixed and is in the process of bone healing.
  • Special attention should be paid to the current health status, to the fracture location to find the right position and frequency of intercourse. Avoid the condition that the healing bone is broken, displaced or impacted to other parts.

Only have sex when the bones are fixed 

The fastest way to recover after a broken bone

In order for the bone healing process to take place faster, in addition to following your doctor's instructions, you need to note the following:

  • Increase the intake of vitamins and minerals by consuming a variety of foods such as: fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meat and especially calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, beans, vegetables. cabbage, ... to increase the speed of bone healing.
  • Consider adding oral supplements and functional foods. 
  • Exercise in moderation to restore joint mobility.
  • Supplementing with natural antioxidants such as vitamins C , E to heal bones as well as prevent the production of free radicals (from broken tissues) that damage the body.
  • Limit the use of fast foods and soft drinks because they contain a lot of salt and phosphorus that lose calcium through the urine, making bones slow to heal.

Broken bones should avoid eating fried foods 

Hopefully, through the above article, you have got the answer to the problem of broken bones, should you have sex or not? Please base your decision to be able to make a decision!

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