Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes have many good effects for the body such as clearing heat, cleaning the blood, eliminating toxins in the body, so it is widely used in the daily meals of every family. Sweet potatoes are recommended for postpartum women, but can women after cesarean eat sweet potatoes, let's find out.

Sweet potato leaves and root vegetables are rich in nutrients that are good for everyone's health, however, women after cesarean section should not eat a lot of sweet vegetables because they are easy to cause many dangers to the wound and also prolong the wound time. cesarean section recovered.

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potatoes is a question that many mothers are interested in after giving birth, because many people say that eating sweet potatoes is good for health, some people think that eating sweet potatoes will leave scars. Actually, sweet potato contains many useful nutrients, the price is cheap and easy to find, so it is popular with many people.

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of vitamins A, C, B6 and minerals such as zinc, iron, antioxidants, so they have a laxative effect, prevent obesity, clear heat, detoxify and treat nausea effectively. Because of the above uses, sweet potatoes are recommended for women who give birth naturally, but when asked if women after cesarean section can eat sweet potatoes, doctors recommend not to eat sweet potatoes during cesarean delivery because of many reasons. core.

After cesarean section, mother should limit eating sweet potato until the wound is completely healed

Usually, a cesarean section takes longer to heal than a vaginal birth , and so does the digestive system. If at the same time, a woman giving birth vaginally can eat whatever she wants, but a cesarean section is not allowed and has to abstain from many things more than a normal birth.

After cesarean section, eating sweet potato is very easy to have abdominal pain, diarrhea, having diarrhea will greatly affect the incision. Standing up and sitting down a lot or not carefully can open wounds and infection, which is very dangerous.

In addition, eating sweet potatoes also makes the mother's incision patchy, difficult to prolong the recovery time. For mothers who give birth normally with good health, with no wounds in the abdomen, sweet potato is considered a panacea, but for mothers who give birth by cesarean section, it will leave many sequelae if used a lot, such as open wounds or surgical wounds. create ugly bruises.

Through the above information, do you have the answer to the question, can women eat sweet potato after cesarean section? Before the wound is completely healed, the mother should not eat, but after a few weeks, it can be used normally, but it is necessary to eat the right way, the right dose to not cause side effects.

Vegetables that are good for mother's health after cesarean section

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?Vegetables that are good for mother's health after cesarean section

Mothers should not be disappointed when they know the answer to the question of whether or not women can eat sweet potato after cesarean section, because there are many other delicious, nutritious and cheap vegetables that you can use in the future. Caesarean section to quickly replenish nutrients and quickly get in shape. Let's take a look at 5 vegetables for mothers giving birth  below:

Spinach is ranked first among the vegetables that are good for the health of the mother after giving birth, both vaginally and by caesarean section. This is a benign vegetable that helps the body synthesize and produce collagen and stabilize cholesterol levels in the body to help the incisions not become infected and heal quickly. Mother should use the word sweet potato to cook soup, served with minced meat to help milk, but should not eat too much. 

Spinach: eating spinach soup helps mothers after giving birth to cure breast tightness and stimulate milk glands, helping mothers to limit the risk of chicken neck cracking because the nutrients of spinach effectively cure swelling or cracked nipples, and quickly. surgical wound healing.

Asparagus: this is the leading vegetable to help milk, fight inflammation, good for the heart, intestinal tract and weakened immune system of the mother after cesarean section.. Use asparagus to cook soup or soup. After giving birth, mothers are not afraid to be bored and fat.

Bean sprouts: bean sprouts, also known as mung bean sprouts, contain amino acids, calcium and minerals and many antioxidants and vitamins E and C. This is a very good food for women after cesarean section because it helps fight against aging bones, remove black dots on the skin to help the skin smooth, whiter and brighter.

Gourd vegetables: The leaves of the gourd family have a sweet taste that has the effect of cooling, detoxifying, clearing urine except for itching. Regular eating of pregnant vegetables every week can help postpartum mothers reduce constipation, headaches and help milk effectively.

It is certain that women after cesarean section can eat sweet potatoes or not, both helping to reduce the risk of dangerous postpartum diseases and avoid clogged milk. Use it instead of other vegetables while your body recovers. 

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Can women after cesarean section eat sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes have many good effects for the body such as clearing heat, cleaning the blood, eliminating toxins in the body, so it is widely used in the daily meals of every family. Sweet potatoes are recommended for postpartum women, but can women after cesarean eat sweet potatoes, let's find out.

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