How to treat wind and weather allergies

Wind and weather allergies are an extremely common disease that can occur at any time. So how to treat wind and weather allergies most effectively and quickly?

Wind allergy and seasonal allergies are very common and can happen at any time. So how to treat wind and weather allergies most effectively and quickly?

1. Moisten hands skin

Usually wind and weather allergies will lead to dry and flaky hands. That's why it's important to keep your hands moist. You clean your hands then soak in warm water for about 15 minutes and then apply moisturizer. It is best to choose moisturizers with natural ingredients that will be safe and non-irritating. Do this every day at night before going to bed.

People with allergies need to keep their hands moist

2. Don't scratch if it's itchy

When we have an allergy, we instinctively have the habit of scratching. However, the effective way to treat wind allergies is not to scratch because it can make the condition worse and more widespread. With adults it will be very easy to control this problem. But children should remind them as well as play with them so that you can forget.

3. Use food to treat wind and weather allergies at home

We can use foods right in our kitchen to make medicines to treat wind and weather allergies. This method is both safe and effective and does not cause any side effects. They not only work to soothe rashes caused by wind and weather, but also provide moisturizers and vitamins to the skin.

Drinking honey lemon water is very good for allergy sufferers

  • You use fresh potatoes that have been washed, then cut into thin slices and applied to the allergic area for about 20 minutes. Do about twice a day, the allergy symptoms will disappear very quickly.
  • Green tea is brewed hot, then add about a tablespoon of honey. This is a delicious and nutritious drink that has great effects in the treatment of allergies.
  • You prepare half a lemon squeezed to get the juice, then add a little warm water and a little honey to drink every morning. This is a weight loss method that many people apply for seasonal allergies and a very effective treatment. However, you must consider the amount of lemon used very little, it will not work for people with stomach diseases. Actively drinking this water every morning will help improve the immune system in the body.
  • Using pure honey to cure seasonal allergies at home is also used by many people. You prepare 3 tablespoons of honey mixed with warm water to drink immediately after the body has the first rash. Surely the disease will heal unexpectedly quickly.

Drinking fruit juices such as papaya, tomato, carrot or orange juice is very good in the treatment of allergies caused by wind and weather. The nutritional components in these fruits have the effect of enhancing the natural antioxidant resistance, so they help patients quickly repel allergies.

Now you know how to treat wind and weather allergies at home, right? The measures are very simple but if you persevere and work hard, you will definitely get results.

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