Safe treatment of atopic dermatitis with guava leaves ensures extremely fast results

Guava leaves are a folk medicine that is used quite a lot in the treatment of dermatological diseases such as: urticaria, allergies, itching, ... Benign guava leaves have active polyphenols that help fight against bacteria and regenerate skin effectively.

Atopic dermatitis , also known as eczema, does not cause many health effects, but symptoms such as itching, burning red on the skin make many people uncomfortable.

In addition to using western medicine, treating atopic dermatitis with guava leaves is also highly appreciated by many people for its effectiveness and safety. So what is the use of guava leaves in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, how to apply it to cure the disease? To better understand this issue and answer the above problems, please refer to the article below for the answer

Why can guava leaves treat atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis - atopic eczema is a chronic form of skin inflammation that usually appears in children and lasts into adulthood. Some cases appear to be in the elderly. According to traditional medicine, guava leaves have the ability to perforate, astringent skin mucosa, detoxify and support quick wound healing.

According to scientific research, guava leaves contain many active ingredients such as: Polyphenols, Tanin, Berbagai, ... have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and skin-regenerating effects. Therefore, using guava leaves to treat atopic dermatitis can completely bring about maximum effectiveness if your skin is at a level. 

However, with unfortunate cases of serious skin damage, it is necessary to see a specialist for treatment, advice and appropriate treatment.

Guava leaves have many active ingredients that help fight bacteria and inflammation

Instructions for treating atopic dermatitis with simple guava leaves at home

Using guava leaves to treat eczema can be done simply, when you see symptoms of itching, you need to apply folk tips such as:

Apply guava leaves to the infected skin area

Using guava leaves applied directly to the itchy skin is a pretty simple way to do it, but it is extremely effective in improving uncomfortable itching.

You need to prepare: A handful of guava leaves; Sea salt

Proceed as follows:

  • Wash and soak guava leaves with diluted salt water, then take out and drain.
  • Use a pestle to crush or use a blender to puree guava leaves with a little salt.
  • Use a sieve to extract the juice, then take a cotton ball soaked in guava leaf solution and apply it to the infected skin.
  • Leave it on the skin for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with clean water.

Persist in doing 2-3 times per week to clearly see the improvement of skin condition. Note: You should clean the inflamed skin before applying.

Safe treatment of atopic dermatitis with guava leaves ensures extremely fast results

Treat atopic dermatitis with guava leaves effectively and quickly

Guava leaf water bath effectively treats atopic dermatitis

This is a method to help treat the symptoms of dermatitis significantly improve, bring comfort to the patient.

Prepare ingredients: 1 handful of fresh guava leaves; Salt


  • Wash and soak guava leaves in salt water for about 20 minutes.
  • Boil guava leaves with 2-3 liters of water until the essence of guava leaves is completely released.
  • Dilute guava leaf juice with cold water until the temperature is just right for the body, then use it as a bath water.
  • No need to rinse with clean water to help the water maximize its use.
  • Guava leaf residue can be used to rub on the infected skin.

Persistence in doing for 2-3 weeks with a frequency of 1 time per day, the symptoms of the disease can be reduced significantly.

Boil guava leaves with 2-3 liters of water until the essence of guava leaves is completely released

Use guava leaves in combination with unsweetened yogurt

Yogurt without sugar when combined with guava leaves helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment many times. Yogurt contains vitamins, lactic acid and active ingredients that can remove dead skin cells, antibacterial, and improve skin structure. Besides, this method is also very safe for all objects during use.

Ingredients to prepare: Half a box of unsweetened yogurt, young guava leaves.

How to perform:

  • Guava leaves washed with salt water to dry.
  • Put in blender.
  • Then pour this mixture into a bowl and mix well with the yogurt.
  • Before applying, you need to clean the itchy skin thoroughly with salt water or mild soap and dry.
  • Apply the mixture on the skin and keep it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water.

Should be done regularly every day in the evening.

Is it safe to treat atopic dermatitis with guava leaves?

Using guava leaves to treat atopic dermatitis is a method that is highly appreciated for its safety. At the same time, these ways are quite simple, anyone can do it at home without fear of spending a lot of time and effort. However, the effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically proven yet. 

Treating atopic dermatitis with guava leaves is safe but cannot be applied in severe cases

In addition, only mild cases of disease when using a remedy from guava leaves can be effective. The effect is slow or fast depends on many factors such as: level of disease, skin care regimen, location, ... Therefore, if treating atopic dermatitis too hastily, it will not be effective as Your wishes. 

Guava leaves for atopic dermatitis can only reduce symptoms, but cannot completely cure this disease. To be able to thoroughly treat atopic dermatitis, you should use medicines to treat itching such as: Antihistamines, drugs that support skin softening, skin softening prescribed by your doctor.

Note when treating atopic dermatitis with guava leaves

To ensure the effectiveness and safety when using guava leaves to treat atopic dermatitis, you need to refer to some notes such as:

  • Dirt, deep on guava leaves can make skin damage more and more serious: Therefore, it should be cleaned before use.
  • Guava leaf juice should only be used once after cooking, not overnight or used many times. 
  • In general, the remedy with guava leaves is relatively safe, but some special cases may be allergic. Care should be taken when applying to children or adults with sensitive skin. 
  • Use persistently and regularly to limit the interruption of treatment courses because this affects the effectiveness of drug treatment, and is quite time consuming. 
  • These treatments for atopic dermatitis only apply to patients with mild dermatitis. Patients should consult a doctor, a professional before use. 
  • Supplement vitamins and minerals to enhance health and improve disease conditions.

Above is the information shared about how to treat atopic dermatitis with guava leaves. Choose for yourself a method that is easy to implement and apply. In addition, do not forget the notes in the treatment process to achieve the desired treatment effect and avoid unnecessary complications.

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