Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning

Male papaya flowers are very popular in rural areas and are considered a valuable medicinal herb that our ancestors have believed in since ancient times to treat diseases. However, when using male papaya flowers in the wrong way, there is also the risk of causing unwanted toxins to the body. Let's learn about this together with us!

Male papaya flowers contain many high-value nutritional components. Although this flower has a bitter taste, there are many different recipes that are prepared as a nutritious dish. For a long time, after consuming this flower, people have noticed a marked change in the insulin level in the body of diabetic patients. They can help stabilize high blood pressure, prevent heart disease as well as many other diseases. However, when using this flower for any purpose, it is essential to consult a doctor because when not used properly, male papaya flowers can cause toxins. danger that threatens human life and can even lead to death.

What are the characteristics of male papaya flowers?

Characteristics of male papaya trees

The male papaya tree has the full scientific name of Carica papaya, belongs to the Papayaceae family. The tree is about 1 to 3 meters tall, grows upright and has only a single top. But when the main top is broken for some reason, many more can be spawned. The leaf blade of the papaya tree is very long, the petiole is long, and has 5 to 7 lobes. Male papaya plants usually only have flowers and no fruit or very few fruits, if there are fruits, they are usually very small.

The male papaya tree is quite common in our country and almost all other countries in the world. However, people mainly plant female papaya trees for fruit, the rest rarely grow male papaya trees. Usually, male plants will grow wild in open ground, hillsides or roadside. However, until now, when the medicinal properties in male papaya flowers have been discovered and strongly exploited, male papaya trees have been grown more to serve the needs of supporting human disease treatment.

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning The male papaya tree is a tree that appears quite popular in many countries around the world

Characteristics of male papaya flowers

Male papaya flowers are white, small calyx, yellow pistil usually have 5 petals. The flower stalks are long and grow in clusters, with a characteristic aroma. Among the parts that can be used as medicine, the male papaya flower is most commonly used.

Nutritional composition of male papaya flowers

Healthy ingredients such as: gallic acid, calcium, beta carotene, protein, carbohydrates, phenol, phosphorus; vitamins such as A, vitamin B1, B9, vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber and tannin... are also found in the smallest male papaya flowers.

What are the benefits of male papaya flowers?

Control blood sugar

For diabetics, this is the first and most important benefit of male papaya flowers. When using this flower according to the proper instructions of the Oriental medicine doctor, male papaya flower decoction helps to increase insulin, stabilize blood sugar of patients with diabetes.

Anti-oxidant and effective cholesterol prevention

As mentioned above, male papaya flowers contain important and necessary vitamins for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B9 - folic acid ... have strong antioxidant properties, effectively prevent cholesterol fruit and slow down the oxidation process. Not only that, the antioxidant active substances in male papaya flowers, such as beta carotene, gallic acid, phenol... also contribute to limiting the growth of cancer cells in the patient's body, helping to replenish the blood. , open blood vessels and regulate heart rate, help you have a healthy heart.

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning Male papaya flowers have the effect of effectively preventing cholesterol and slowing down oxidation

Helps to lose weight effectively

The fiber in male papaya flowers helps reduce cravings and hunger pangs for overweight people. However, to lose weight effectively, readers also need to build a scientific diet and exercise, not just use male papaya flowers for the purpose of weight loss!

Treatment of some respiratory diseases

Male papaya flowers mixed with honey in a certain ratio are used for the treatment of respiratory problems such as cough, sore throat, hoarseness effectively instead of using antibiotics for a long time. .

What are the side effects and poisoning of male papaya flowers?

Male papaya flowers are very good, but should only be used in moderation, you will not experience side effects as well as unwanted poisoning. Here are the side effects as well as male papaya flower poisoning when abused or used in the wrong way, for the wrong object and for the wrong purpose:

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning When using male papaya flowers, it is necessary to consult a doctor to limit side effects and poisoning

  • Pregnant women should absolutely not use male papaya flowers because papain extract in papaya can lead to miscarriage by disrupting the protein structure necessary for newly fertilized eggs. When using high-dose papain ingredient in male papaya, it can cause unwanted toxicity to the fetus.
  • For some people, overuse of male papaya flowers can cause them to become jaundiced due to a sudden increase in the amount of pigment in the blood.
  • Not only that, infants and children younger than 2 years old, absolutely do not use this male papaya flower to treat coughs or sore throats . Because the child's resistance has not yet fully developed, the use of male papaya flowers can cause dangerous problems such as male papaya flower poisoning .
  • Absolutely do not use male papaya flowers in combination with its roots because it can produce toxins that are fatal to humans.
  • Some people have atopic allergies, may be allergic to the ingredients in the male papaya flower such as rashes or hives. At this point, the patient should stop using this flower immediately and go to a reputable hospital for examination and treatment.

According to Oriental medicine, male papaya flowers have a lot of effects on human health and there are many people looking to buy this flower on the market. Today, there are areas that specialize in growing this flower and processing it into male papaya flower teas to meet the needs of consumers. However, in addition to using this flower as a tea to sip every day, if you are too sensitive to the ingredients in this flower, quickly consult your doctor and should only use it in moderate doses. must stop! 

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Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning

Side effects and male papaya flower poisoning

Male papaya flowers are very popular in rural areas and are considered a valuable medicinal herb that our ancestors have believed in since ancient times to treat diseases. However, when using male papaya flowers in the wrong way, there is also the risk of causing unwanted toxins to the body. Let's learn about this together with us!

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