The three-way point is a popular acupuncture point in traditional medicine. Acupoints have the ability to act on a large scale with self-regulating properties, so they become important points in the healing activities of Eastern medicine.
Referring to the foot acupoints that have many therapeutic effects and help improve health, it is impossible not to mention the tam yin Giao acupoint. When properly stimulated acupressure points, it will help to clear meridians, regulate blood and qi, and nourish the kidneys and organs. in the post below!
Location of Tam Yin intersection
Tam Yin Giao is the sixth acupuncture point of the Pi meridian. The point is the convergence of three yin meridians (three meridians) in the legs, so it is called the three yin intersection. The intersection between the three meridians of Thai Am Pi, Shao Yin Than, and Quyet Am Can is the location of the acupoint. More specifically, the acupoint is located in the concavity of the tibia margin, measuring up to 3 cun above the ankle.
The three-way point is located at the concavity of the tibial margin above the ankle
The effect of the three yin acupoints
In ancient medical books, there are many records about the "golden ten" effect of this acupuncture point on human health. Here are some of the prominent healing effects of this acupuncture point.
Sound nourishing function
Because the position is the intersection point of the three meridians of Yin - Pi - Kidney, the acupoint has a direct impact on all three of these organs. Acupoints have the effect of supporting metabolism, regulating blood and stagnation of ventilation. Moreover, acupoints also help lower secretions and regulate bladder function. Therefore, people with diseases of the urinary and genital systems should apply this acupressure or acupuncture point.
In addition, the combination of Tam Ly and Tam Yin Giao acupuncture points also helps to treat insomnia or sleep disorders . Because this disease has the origin of yin blood, causing damage that affects sleep, when combining these two acupressure points, it will help blood circulation, eat better and sleep better.
Nerve regulation
According to traditional medicine, each negative emotion will cause damage to a certain type of qi in the body. Therefore, any long-lasting negative emotions will affect Can Qi - the cause of many different diseases.
Meanwhile, the tam yin Giao acupoint is used to regulate the qi and prevent these psychological states. Therefore, those who are under psychological stress and can't control their emotions, when impacting on the acupoint, will help stabilize the spirit and release the qi of the body.
Tam Yin Giao has the ability to regulate nerves, balance emotions and improve brain health
Detoxifies and boosts metabolism
Tam Yin Giao acupoint is also commonly used in nutrition to purify, promote blood circulation and enhance metabolic activity of the body. In particular, for people with visceral disorders, it is possible to affect this acupoint to improve the condition.
Regulating blood pressure
If blood pressure rises or falls sharply, this acupressure will help balance blood pressure and improve the condition in time. Acupressure should be at the time frame from 11-13 hours a day for about 15 minutes because this is the time when the heart is most active. Maintaining regular exercise for about 2-3 months will help your blood pressure be more stable and reduce the risk of stroke.
Methods of impacting on Tam Yin Giao acupoint
Patients can sit on the ground or on a chair while doing tam yin acupressure. Determine the exact position of the acupoint, use one hand to hold the ankle, the other hand acupressure with a moderate force. Day acupressure clockwise for about 7-10 minutes. While performing, if your hand feels tired, you can stop, but your finger must still be on the acupuncture point. Apply once a day for best results.
This is essentially a familiar sitting meditation posture. In this position, the body will put pressure on the foot to press right into the position of the acupoint, keeping the acupoint always in an excited state. From there, it helps to regulate and circulate blood, improve nerve problems and relieve stress effectively.
Some notes when impacting on acupoints:
- It is necessary to determine the exact location of the acupoint before performing it.
- Do not affect the acupoint for pregnant women because it will cause many risks to pregnant women.
- Consistent application of treatment methods for a long time will bring high results.
- Do not abuse the impact on acupoints but need to combine it with a reasonable diet, rest and activities.
- During the implementation, if you encounter any unusual problems, you should stop applying and immediately report to your doctor/physician for timely handling measures.
Tam yin Giao acupressure is an effective method to support the treatment of a number of diseases
Tam yin Giao is a point that is valued by Eastern medicine because it has many meanings in therapy. Hopefully with the above sharing, you will have more understanding about this important acupuncture point, from which to have the best way to take care of the health of yourself and your family.