Signs and Symptoms of Disease - Page 4

Easy-to-find foods to help keep the body warm and promote health in the cold season

Easy-to-find foods to help keep the body warm and promote health in the cold season

Keeping warm is essential, especially in the cold season. Let's see which foods close to us can help retain heat effectively.

How to care for multiple sclerosis?

How to care for multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis can cause permanent damage or neurological impairment if not treated properly. Let's go through information about this disease as well as ways to care for multiple sclerosis at home.

Tips for choosing and using feminine hygiene solutions properly

Tips for choosing and using feminine hygiene solutions properly

Do you know how to choose and use feminine hygiene solutions correctly, without causing side effects? This article will help you learn about taking care and keeping the intimate area clean.

Weight loss diet for gym people: Safe weight loss

Weight loss diet for gym people: Safe weight loss

If you are in the gym to lose weight, this article is for you. Through the article below, we will provide you with a weight loss diet for gym people.

Oral health: Is it good to take a lot of tartar?

Oral health: Is it good to take a lot of tartar?

Routine tartar cleaning is something that many dentists often encourage us to do. However, is it good to take a lot of tartar? This article will help you find the answer to the above question.

Why do many dentists always recommend periodic tartar cleaning?

Why do many dentists always recommend periodic tartar cleaning?

Why is it important to get regular tartar? What are the benefits of regular tartar for oral health? Join us to learn about this issue through the content of the article shared below.

How to cure cirrhosis of the liver simply from the dog plant

How to cure cirrhosis of the liver simply from the dog plant

How to cure cirrhosis of the liver with a dog tree is a folk remedy that has been handed down for many generations. How true is this treatment and how effective is it?

Synthesize herbs with high health value

Synthesize herbs with high health value

Below is a summary of medicinal herbs that are highly appreciated by experts for their therapeutic properties that you may not know. Let's find out together now!

First aid when drinking alcohol by mistake

First aid when drinking alcohol by mistake

Drinking alcohol by mistake is a fairly common condition and causes many dangers to the body if you do not know how to give first aid in time. In the article below, SignsSymptomsList will give you first aid when drinking alcohol by mistake and related information.

What is Pagets disease of the breast? Symptoms and treatments

What is Pagets disease of the breast? Symptoms and treatments

Paget's disease of the breast is a rare disease that occurs in women and is rare in men. As an uncommon type of breast cancer, the disease is also very dangerous and should be detected early. The following article will provide you with information about the symptoms of the disease as well as treatment methods.

5 tips to keep your hands 10 years younger

5 tips to keep your hands 10 years younger

Your hands age and age faster than your face because the skin on your hands is not as meticulously cared for as your face. However, just pay attention to follow 5 tips

Is it dangerous for children to pass raw feces?

Is it dangerous for children to pass raw feces?

Unfavorable children's digestive tract is the concern of many parents with young children. So is the condition of children passing raw stool dangerous?

What is BMR? How to calculate BMR to lose weight, gain weight effectively

What is BMR? How to calculate BMR to lose weight, gain weight effectively

What is BMR? How is your BMR calculated to help you manage your weight effectively? All these questions will be clarified by SignsSymptomsList in the article below, stay tuned!

What should people with high blood pressure eat?

What should people with high blood pressure eat?

To be able to treat high blood pressure, a scientific and balanced diet is extremely necessary. So, what should high blood pressure eat? With one

Identify psoriasis fastest with the following three signs

Identify psoriasis fastest with the following three signs

Recognizing psoriasis is not necessarily too difficult. However, nowadays, many people go to the hospital for treatment when the disease is already in a serious stage because of the cause

Blepharitis in children: Causes and treatment

Blepharitis in children: Causes and treatment

Signs of blepharitis in children are often not obvious. Therefore, parents are often subjective, leading to prolonged treatment time and unwanted complications. So what causes and how to treat blepharitis in children?

Facial skin care during pregnancy and things to avoid

Facial skin care during pregnancy and things to avoid

Facial care during pregnancy is essential to help pregnant women maintain beauty and confidence, but not all methods are suitable and effective.

Can gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Can gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Avocado is known as a "superfood" good for the digestive system and heart. But can pregnant women with gestational diabetes eat avocado?

Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

Can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes need to eat and drink carefully. Many foods are good for health, but eating them incorrectly can be harmful to pregnant women. So can gestational diabetes eat duck eggs?

How to overcome temporary loss of smell due to runny nose

How to overcome temporary loss of smell due to runny nose

Colds, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis ... are the causes of nasal congestion and runny nose. If the situation is severe, it can lead to a temporary loss of smell. So is the loss of smell due to a runny nose dangerous and what to do to fix it?

Foods that men should eat every week

Foods that men should eat every week

Curing physiological weakness with natural foods is the most effective method of repelling physiological weakness. So, what are the best foods to treat physiological weakness with? The information below will give you the most satisfactory answer.

Can I pull out my teeth with lupus erythematosus? What is the telltale sign?

Can I pull out my teeth with lupus erythematosus? What is the telltale sign?

Can people with lupus have their teeth extracted? – This is a question that SignsSymptomsList receives from many customers who have been suffering from this complicated autoimmune disease.

Can children with blocked tear ducts go away on their own?

Can children with blocked tear ducts go away on their own?

In the body, the eye is a sensitive part and is susceptible to many diseases affecting health, including blocked tear glands. So what is tear duct obstruction? Can children with blocked tear ducts go away on their own? The following article will help you answer these questions, let's find out right away!

4 great foods with durian can cause toxicity in the body

4 great foods with durian can cause toxicity in the body

Durian is a delicious fruit and a favorite dish of many people. However, improperly eating durian will cause potential risks to the body. Here are 4 foods that are great with durian that can cause toxicity in the body. Let's find out now!

Foods that mothers should avoid in the first 3 months to avoid birth defects

Foods that mothers should avoid in the first 3 months to avoid birth defects

During pregnancy, expectant mothers will receive a lot of advice from grandparents, parents or friends about foods that are good for mother and baby's health. In particular, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, mothers need to pay attention to different sources of nutrients from different foods to avoid fetal malformations and affect the mother's health.

How long does laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy take? What to pay attention to after surgery?

How long does laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy take? What to pay attention to after surgery?

How long does laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy take? What to pay attention to after surgery? This is a problem that makes women wonder and worry when they intend to perform laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy. Readers with the same question about this issue, let's follow SignsSymptomsList right in the article below.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) test in just a few minutes

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) test in just a few minutes

If you have symptoms that suspect a specific psychological disorder is OCD, you can immediately take the following obsessive-compulsive disorder test to assess your risk of OCD!

What antibodies do blood group O have? What blood group do you give and receive?

What antibodies do blood group O have? What blood group do you give and receive?

You are blood type O and want to find out what antibodies blood type O has? The article will reveal antibodies of blood type O and a lot of interesting information about this blood type!

What are the common complications of dialysis?

What are the common complications of dialysis?

Dialysis is the process of artificially removing excess water and waste products accumulated during kidney failure from the body. This is a life-sustaining technique for patients with acute kidney injury or end-stage renal disease. So what exactly is dialysis? Does this measure cause any dangerous side effects? Let's find out together!

You are destroying your own skin without even knowing it

You are destroying your own skin without even knowing it

Have you followed and followed all the recommended skin care rules and still do not get the desired results? The cause can come from habits

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