Signs and Symptoms of Disease - Page 2

Can pregnant women eat bok choy? Some uses of bok choy for pregnant women

Can pregnant women eat bok choy? Some uses of bok choy for pregnant women

Cabbage is a vegetable with high nutritional value. Many people wonder whether pregnant women can eat bok choy? How to cook bok choy properly and deliciously? Let's join SignsSymptomsList to answer these questions through the article below!

How long should I practice yoga after eating?

How long should I practice yoga after eating?

Some people think you need to eat before you exercise. However, this is completely wrong at the beginning of any exercise. You should not eat right before yoga, but should rest to give the food time to digest. So how long does it take to practice yoga after a meal?

What is fine hair? 5 notes when taking care of thin hair that you should know

What is fine hair? 5 notes when taking care of thin hair that you should know

Thin hair girls often have a headache because thin hair is difficult to style. See 5 notes when taking care of thin hair that you should know!

How many calories in filtered water? Benefits of filtered water for humans

How many calories in filtered water? Benefits of filtered water for humans

The body needs to be replenished with filtered water every day because of the essential benefits that this drink brings. So how many calories are in plain water, and is it true that drinking plain water can help you lose weight?

How many calories are in the cake? Is eating buns fat?

How many calories are in the cake? Is eating buns fat?

Banh teh is a familiar, rustic dish with natural delicious taste. But is this a food that easily causes weight gain? First of all, let's find out how many calories are in the cake!

Difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis

Difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis

Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are two quite common respiratory diseases in humans. Both diseases have some pretty similar initial symptoms, so what's the difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis?

Review of Thorakao Ha Thu O shampoo is good

Review of Thorakao Ha Thu O shampoo is good

When choosing shampoos from nature, people immediately think of products extracted from Ha Thu O because this is a medicinal herb that has been used for a long time. So is Thorakao Ha Thu O shampoo good?

Sore throat is a sign of what disease?

Sore throat is a sign of what disease?

Chest pain and sore throat can be two symptoms that occur at the same time and cause anxiety in the patient. The cause of this condition may be asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia, gastroesophageal reflux,... It is necessary to accurately determine the cause of sore throat, chest tightness for effective treatment and prevention. Occur again periodically.

After eating, stomach pain can be caused by a serious illness, dont take it lightly

After eating, stomach pain can be caused by a serious illness, dont take it lightly

Abdominal pain after eating is due to many reasons. If your cramping pain is constant or accompanied by some other symptoms, it could be caused by a serious medical condition, you need to see your doctor soon to get an accurate diagnosis.

After eating, what should and should not be done to digest well and help the body slim down?

After eating, what should and should not be done to digest well and help the body slim down?

After eating, what to do to improve the digestive system and slim body is always a common concern of many women. So how can we avoid the phenomenon of big belly or affecting the digestive system after eating?

The effect of egg yolks you may not know

The effect of egg yolks you may not know

Eggs are a rich source of protein and high in nutrients. The yolk of an egg is a favorite part of many people and can be prepared in many different ways. So what is the effect of egg yolk, is it good or not?

Answer: Who should not drink lemonade?

Answer: Who should not drink lemonade?

Lemonade is a delicious drink that is loved by everyone. But have you ever wondered who should not drink lemonade? Let's find out this problem with SignsSymptomsList!

Answer the question: Should breast milk be frozen?

Answer the question: Should breast milk be frozen?

After expressing breast milk, should it be frozen for breastfeeding? This is the way of many busy moms today. However, should this approach be correct?

Find out which type of Biore sunscreen is good?

Find out which type of Biore sunscreen is good?

Biore is one of the oldest and most popular sunscreen brands on the market today. This product line is produced with many types and forms with different textures suitable for each skin type such as dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, combination skin... This makes it difficult for consumers. when choosing because I don't know which Biore sunscreen is good.

Suggest 5 ways to whiten with yogurt for smooth white skin

Suggest 5 ways to whiten with yogurt for smooth white skin

White bath with yogurt is one of the secrets that many women apply to own rosy, bright skin. See the following 5 recipes for whitening baths with yogurt.

Common complications after a stroke

Common complications after a stroke

After a brain stroke, it is inevitable that the sequelae will be left behind; These can be very serious sequelae but sometimes they are just milder and easily remedied sequelae. So, what are the sequelae often left after brain stroke? In this article, we would like to present this issue in detail.

Top 5 simple and effective breakfast fiber supplements

Top 5 simple and effective breakfast fiber supplements

Which foods add more fiber for a healthy breakfast? Let's find out more about this with SignsSymptomsList through the article "Top 5 simple and effective breakfast fiber supplements" below to better understand this issue.

FAQ: Is Nutren Junior Milk good?

FAQ: Is Nutren Junior Milk good?

Nutren Junior is a famous milk product for anorexia and malnourished children from the world's leading prestigious milk brand Nestle. There are many questions surrounding this product line, is Nutren Junior milk good?

Collection of beautiful long hairstyles for women with round faces

Collection of beautiful long hairstyles for women with round faces

A question that round-faced girls often wonder is "what hairstyle should I choose to suit my round chubby face?" In fact, a round face has many advantages if you know how to take advantage of it, it will help you attract all eyes thanks to its innocent cuteness. Let's learn about beautiful long hairstyles for women with round faces through the article below!

Tips for you to know effective skincare steps with retinol

Tips for you to know effective skincare steps with retinol

Retinol has outstanding anti-aging properties. Therefore, the skincare steps with retinol need to be done properly to bring about high skin care effects

How long does eyelid surgery take to heal? Things to know about care after eyelid surgery

How long does eyelid surgery take to heal? Things to know about care after eyelid surgery

How long does eyelid surgery take to heal? That is the problem of many women when they want to experience this cosmetic method. The article below will provide some information for you to understand better.

What is NAT testing? Application of NAT in screening test

What is NAT testing? Application of NAT in screening test

NAT test is an advanced testing technique that helps to quickly and accurately identify the cause of disease. This is an important step forward in the success of gene detection and sequencing techniques. Follow the following article to understand more about what NAT testing is.

After removing wisdom teeth, bad breath and effective treatment

After removing wisdom teeth, bad breath and effective treatment

Having bad breath after wisdom teeth extraction is a problem that many people face today. This condition comes from many different causes and has a significant impact on the psychology of the patient. Check out the article below to learn more about this situation!

Drunk low blood sugar - Extremely dangerous phenomenon

Drunk low blood sugar - Extremely dangerous phenomenon

Many people today experience low blood sugar when drunk, but do not know it, making this serious and sometimes life-threatening condition. So, what causes this situation and how to fix it?

When to drink orange juice? Benefits of drinking orange juice

When to drink orange juice? Benefits of drinking orange juice

Orange juice is known as a beverage with very good effects on health. However, not everyone knows how to drink properly. So when should you drink orange juice?

Vitamins that help improve mens sex life

Vitamins that help improve mens sex life

Vitamins are not only good for overall health, but some types also work to increase male vitality, making men's love stories more abundant.

Can pregnant women eat crabs? The benefits pregnant women need to know about this seafood

Can pregnant women eat crabs? The benefits pregnant women need to know about this seafood

Sea crab is a type of seafood that is loved by many people because of its characteristic freshness. Besides, this food provides a large amount of omega-3 and does not contain saturated fat, so it is a dish that brings many good health benefits. So can pregnant women eat crabs? What are the benefits of this food?

Can you eat peanuts? How do you eat peanuts for good?

Can you eat peanuts? How do you eat peanuts for good?

Peanuts are a very popular dish in Vietnam. It is not only used as food in frugal meals but also as a favorite snack of many people. Pregnant women during pregnancy often crave snacks. So can pregnant women eat peanuts?

10 common spine diseases that you should know to avoid

10 common spine diseases that you should know to avoid

Spine diseases are quite diverse such as cervical spondylosis, sciatica, disc herniation, etc. This group of diseases is caused by many causes, so the clinical manifestations are also different. Therefore, equipping knowledge about this group of diseases to have orientation in treatment and care.

Which factor leads to a wound that takes longer to heal than usual?

Which factor leads to a wound that takes longer to heal than usual?

Wounds that take a long time to heal are susceptible to infection. Let's find out the factors that slow down the wound and how to take care of it effectively right in the article.

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